Should i do the deed tonight?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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Oh i'm all confused.

My OPKs don't seem to be tallying with my ewcm an i'm getting my surge earlier this cycle :roll:

I was negative on cd 12 morning, but then had a strong line in the evening (no idea why i decided to test again that day).

The line was darkest on cd 13 morning and still dark on cd 14 and 15.

Today is cd 16 and i'm negative again.

So i have done the deed on cd 12, 13, 14, 15 but i don't know whether or not to do the deed again tonight.

I have a negative opk and my cervix is closed, but i am very wet down there and a lot of it looks like ewcm.

I dunno whether to do it again tonight or not - i mean i don't want to force it, but i don't want to miss out for the sake of one night.

What do you think?
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go for it, you've nothing to lose!! if the ewcm is still there i'd deffo go for it xxx
I'd say go for it if you can. No reason not to and you might end up thinking what if, if you don't.
OPKs are very confusing, not sure I like em!

If i were you i would def do it tonight! just incase!
I'd say probably not, not if your cervix is closed, you don't want to do any damage or for any swimmers already there to fall out.

I've had a bit of a brainwave for you, why don't you mix Hubby's semen with the Conceive Plus, you said it was Viscous, this might help the swimmers live longer and swim better?

Another thing, have you ever thought of buying a microscope to check out the swimmers?

I've had a bit of a brainwave for you, why don't you mix Hubby's semen with the Conceive Plus, you said it was Viscous, this might help the swimmers live longer and swim better?

Hey hey, you're catching on quick Maybe :D

Or maybe i'm contagious? ew :shock:

I tried mixing it with Preseed on cd12 but it didn't turn out as i hoped.

TMI - My husband's semen looks a lot like phlegm when you have a bad chest (in consistancy, not colour). You have large globs of very dense rubbery jelly that are surround by a very watery fluid. I bet it wouldd stretch much further than my ewcm!

When i mixed the Preseed with it i thought the globs would melt and overall i'd get a mixture that was a similar consistancy to the Preseed, but instead it became smooth but very gluey and thick. I still used it, but because it was not as expected i didn't want to try again :blush:

Maybe i'll just see how it goes tonight when i try... i guess i could always have sex! (shock)
Ah well it was worth a try, can you not make Hubby drink loads of water, wouldn't that help?

Good Luck tonight, a good BD may open the cervix?

Hmmm - that might be an idea; a quick seeing to, get the cervix open then shove a load more up there - would that work?
You're so brave Louise, I am such a wuss, I would be totally squeamish! x
I honestly don't know if the cervix works like that or not, but i assume not as people have have sex during pregnancy :eh:

I think hubby might actually make the decision for me - "i don't have to jizz in a cup again tonight, do i?" He should count himself lucky he doesn't have my job :roll:
Awww hun. I really do have eveything crossed for you and your DH. You really deserve a BFP. I think you should just try the old fashioned 'having sex' tonight. lol. It might be nice just to forget about all the scientific stuff and have a good session in bed :D At least you're having the fun of sex and getting some swimmers in there hopefully. Good luck. Have a nice night :) xx

I get into bed and he pulls out a bag of spicy tortilla chips and starts munching away!

Eating is banned in the bedroom, it's gross, i let him do it once because i feel sorry for him(!) and now he's doing it all the time.

So he stinks of paprika and there are crumbs all over the bed and i make a comment about how i hope we haven't blown it because we didn't do the deed and he says "oh well, i woldn't have minded if you wanted to - we can do it now if you want" at 11pm when i have to be up at 7am i don't think so :roll:

So then we are both munching away on these crisps and i try to get the ball rolling for a bit of nooky and he just lies there, interested but not willing to help get the ball rolling so i roll over and go to sleep!


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