Should i call the midwife?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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Since the other night i been getting BH's constantly, all day today & yesterday i've just not felt right.
My lower back hurts i feel really sick tonight an i feel like i can't keep still cuz i'm so uncomfortable
when i stand up it feels like his head is pressing on my foof!!
He is moving round plenty.. loads i'd say!
I can't go the hospital or anything as i'm not exactly in pain i just feel really strange an i'm getting pissed off with my stomache tbh!
plus i can't go out as i'd have to take Tania with me & i kicked OH out so no one can babysit.
My mum would be on hand but she's had a drink tonight as shes got a week off work.
Is it worth ringing up the midwifes?
Would they send someone out to examine me just to put my mind at ease & be sure nothings going on down there?
I don't see it though cuz i'm not in agony or anything im just in back pain an bad discomfort
any suggestions please say :(
i'd ring the midwifes, even if they can jus reasure you over the phone. i felt quite similar when i was 32wk with my twins, i ended up with pre eclamsia, and they were born within 24hrs, not to alarm you but better to be safe than sorry

xx :hug:
dunno what that cud be but didnt wanna read and run :hug:

give her a call she is there to reassure you hun..

keep us updated xxxxxx
I'd defo give your MW a call hun, even if she just puts your mind at ease :hug:
Vicki83 said:
I'd defo give your MW a call hun, even if she just puts your mind at ease :hug:

I would call as well... let us know how u get on xx
I hope you have called by now and they have helped :hug:
hope all is ok and i'd suggest calling the midwife too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I called them last night an she said to take 2 paracetamol & get some rest. I did an nothing has changed!
I keep needing a wee every 10 minutes, earlier i swear i went the loo for a wee got into the living room & needed a wee again!!
I feel immensly sick! My mum has had to take tania off me for a few hours, i've tried going sleep an that hasn't worked.
The midwife did say go into labour ward today if i feel worse but i don't wana go there and end up looking like a twat if this is just normal.
Last night i must of had about 2 hours sleep. Was horrible! my back felt like it was burning
He hasn't stopped moving about.
i keep getting shooting pains in my foof
my back hurts at the bottom & the top but not in the middle?
I can't even time the tightenings cuz it doesn't feel like it stops (iykwim?)
I wana know if anything is going on but i really don't wana look like a total ass worrying over nothing!
Just really don't know what to do?
I don't even know if its cramps i'm getting cuz i'm so fed up of this now ( gone on for few days)
so i dont know if it's bad discomfort or pain :wall:
help please!!
Go in!!! I had something similar. Had my urine tested and was supposed to wait 24 hours for results. I had a water infection that showed up instantly! I got put on antibiotics and was fine within 3 days.
It affected my sleep, walking and eating.
Get checked, just to be on the safe side. I put if off for hours, til my mum told me to call, just for baby's sake.
yeh hun id go in also just to be on the safe side mayb its nothing to worry about but like LisaJ says it could be an infection so its better to get checked out for the sake of the baby :hug:
I was thinking the same lisa sounds like a water infection i had them all the time in my second pregnancy i would go and see a doctor get a urine test.
i know how u feel not wanting to go in, but hun, try not to think about that and go get urself checked out sweetie :hug: :hug: :hug:

let us know how you are :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I rung the labour ward again for some more advice (again) an she said to just go up & they can check me over &things.
She said it does sound like wee infection.
Tbh i really hope it is & i hope they give me something for it, can't stand his discomfort much longer! :cry:
I will update later when i get chance as i only have 1 text buddy & she just had her baby lol
It sounds very much like a water infection darling I used to get them loads and they are soo painful. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well i went & got monitored for an hour or so & the machine wasn't picking up anything what so ever :shock:
My tummy still hurts now, I don't have water infection, bp was fine, baby was fine.
They didn't internally examine me as it would of been pointless & i'm not leakin fluids/waters not gone.
They didn't know what it was, it's still there :cry:
Had an even worse night sleep, & feeling like an idiot going to labour ward an wasting their time
Grrr it's anoying me!!!!!!
:talkhand: Dont you dare feel like an idiot darling you did the right thing to get checked out. That's what they are there for.

Sending you lots of hugs my darling

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
If it's down the side sounds to me like it could be a trapped nerve or even trapped nerves! I had this and was in agony, when to mat unit and like you everyhting was fine - they thought it might be an water infection also but tests proved fine.

Was crying so much later that day went ot see GP and he examined my back and knew straight away! A trapped nerve!

Maybe see your GP?

If it is that, tkae paracetamol and jsut keep moving about till comfortable, it will go eventually. If it hurts when walking about try and rest as much as possible.

Also, your GP might refer to you to a physio, you need a special one for womans health who can check your back over. My trapped nerve has now has gone and been replaced with a rock hard muscle now which hurts all the time. She advised hot water bottles and one of those rolly wooden things to massage it a bit.

Really hope you feel better soon.xxxxxx

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