should i be worried?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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Last night my right foot swelled up, put it down to had done some walking and end of day. happened one eve last week too but thought same thing.

Today it was swollen from moment i woke up, leg aches a little too. other foot is its normal 'podgy' self (i'm chunky anyways lol) am trying to keep it elevated as much as i can but its strange its only one foot/leg.

normally i'd just dismiss it as my weight, but guess i'm a bit paranoid cus consultant mentioned i'm higher risk of pre-eclampsia and am bit naive about it tbh. (also since then found out my mum was pre eclampsic with 2 out of her 4 children, me being one of them *sorry mum :oops: * )

Do i bother the midwife or wait til next appt at beg July?

Sarah xxx
I would call her just to check it out. Thats what she is there for! Hope your feeling better soon :hug:
i would call your midwife. cause it could also be the sign of a blood clot.
is any part of your leg hot and red?
Give her a call and check if she wants to have you checked over shes thats what shes there for to reasure you when your concerned about something! Hope alls ok :hug:
I phoned Midwife and all it is is an answerphone (very helpful lol)
so I rang doctors and spoke to nurse practitioner who told me to come in straight away so she could check it's not a blood clot... lol i nearly pooped myself when she said that :rotfl:

So I waddle-limped to the surgery and she did a lil blood test (pricky finger thingy) which after 10mins came back clear :D she did blood pressure which was best its been :D and annouced that its probably the hot weather affecting me and causing the swelling. So I'm happy now (although a bit uncomfortable).

Thankyou for the support ladies, it's great that peeps care! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all

Sarah xxx
hi sarah,

i had this but in both legs i went to the docs they tested urine and everything came back fine so she put it down to the weather at the moment.

I reccomend avent leg and foot reviver, cools your legs down and relax's you while you have your feet up.

Hope you feel better soon

Em xx :D
:) Glad it was all okay. Swelling in both is quite normal but if its more in one than the other its worth getting it checked just incase.

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