Should I be worried?

Oct 9, 2015
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Hi all

I seem to suffer from recurrent miscarriages, I've had 3 (but not in a row) I also have a blood condition and pcos.

I'm currently cautiously pregnant. According to how Drs date from first day of lmp I'm 7 weeks 5 days today. I've had spotting but not continuously so today I had a scan at my hospitals epu, gestation sac, yolk sac and baby could be seen with its heartbeat fluttering away measuring 3.30 mm. The sonographer then said to myself and DH that they want us to come back in 3 weeks as baby wasn't measuring for nearly 8 weeks as my lmp says so, I said I wasn't worried as I thought I was probably only around the 5/5.5 weeks anyway.....on all online calculators if I try and change my dates it moves my lmp and now I'm freaking out slightly :( is this normal or not? Xx
Hi, I have had 3 miscarriages too. Again not in a row. It is a worrying time but seeing the hb flickering away is a massive plus. I'm sure you know some spotting can be completely normal but you did the right thing getting it checked out. As to the size there are other ladies on here who have been put behind at early scans only for the baby to catch up by 12 weeks and it all be fine. It can also depend on your cycle length, online dates can sometimes rely on 28 day cycles but if you're longer or shorter that can affect things and also you may not have ovulated bang on where expected.

These first few weeks are such limbo land, but I would try to focus on the positives (a heartbeat - wow!) and at the same time think that not all babies develop at the same speed but are developing fine nonetheless. Plus you get to see your baba again in a couple of weeks.

I am on eggshells too, constantly on knicker watch, cannot wait till 12 weeks where I can relax a bit.

Fingers crossed (and legs!) and lots of sticky baby dust. x

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