Should i be taking

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Omega 3 capsules? Or something like that?
I used to eat a lot of fish but since becoming pregnant i can't stand it. I can't stand the smell let alone the taste! (it makes me gag).

I hadn't thought about taking suppliments but maybe i should take something?
What would you reccomend?
on the pots it says do not take if pregs n u shudnt take food supplements in pregnancy unless doctor or M/W says its ok so ask them hun :hug: or obviously they are specail pregnancy supplements and prenacare is good :D
I'd run it past your MW as most bottles of Omega 3 state to not take when PG. There are a couple that are safe for PG women however.

Oliy fish is meant to be good for brain power in growing babies from something around 28-30 weeks iirc. I've been eating salmon and a few other types of this fish on a regular basis. I tend to cook it in the oven wrapped in foil so as to dull the smell as it cooks. I'll increase it over these last weeks to 2-3 portions a week inst.ead of 1-2

Have a read of this article

Is it safe to take omega 3 fish oil supplements during pregnancy?

Yes and no. There are two types of fish oil supplement - those made from the liver of the fish and those made from the body of the fish. Supplements made from the liver of the fish, such as cod liver oil, contain the retinol form of vitamin A and need to be either avoided altogether or strictly limited in pregnancy so that your daily intake does not exceed 3,300 micrograms (mcg). On the other hand, fish oils not derived from fish livers contain lots of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is essential for your baby's developing eyes and brain.

DHA, also called omega 3 fatty acid, is found in concentrated amounts in oily fish and, in lesser amounts, in other foods, such as walnuts and linseeds. Including DHA in your diet is essential for your baby's normal brain, eye and vision development, especially during the last trimester. This may be one reason why premature babies are particularly at risk of eye and brain damage.

Fish especially rich in omega 3 fatty acids include tinned or fresh mackerel, salmon, trout, herring, pilchards, anchovies and sardines, and some experts recommend eating two fish meals per week. If you're not a big fish eater, you could take a fish oil supplement, but do make sure you choose one formulated specially for pregnant women.

At present, there is no recommended daily intake of DHA, although this is currently being researched. In the meantime, remember that if you eat a varied range of foods, including some oily fish, you may not need to supplement your diet anyway.
Also this snippet, again tells to take in last tri to increase brain development and so on :)

When To Take Omega 3s
Your are probably wondering when is the best time to begin taking Omega 3 supplements or increase your natural intake of the fatty acid. Omega 3 is actually something that you should be including in your diet on a regular basis. Even when you are not pregnant, you should aim to get a fair bit of Omega 3 into your body.

During pregnancy, it is recommended that you get at least 250 mg of Omega 3 every day. However, Omega 3 oils are especially important during the final trimester. It is during this time that your baby uses Omega-3 to form approximately 70% of her brain system. She is also working on the rest of her nervous system.

Good Omega 3 Sources
Omega 3 is best found in fish and fish oil products. High levels of Omega 3 are found in:

oily fish, like mackerel, herring, sardines, anchovies, salmon, and pilchards
Omega 3 fish oil supplements
fresh or frozen tuna

However, it is important to keep in mind that fish can be contaminated with mercury and PCBs, so make sure that you choose safe types of fish.

Omega 3 can also be found in non-aquatic sources. Good choices include:

fortified foods, like eggs, bread, and juice
dark green vegetables
canola, sunflower, and flaxseed oils
some boxes of pregnacare contain 2 type of pills, one being an omega one. but there bloody pricey
hmmm, i'll ask my midwife when i next see her. So far all i've taken was the folic acid in the 1st trimester.
I was a bit worried that my fish aversion my hurt baby,
I just can't eat it. I've tried and as soon as it hits my mouth i'm sick (sorry tmi).
It's so strange as it used to be my fave food too!!

thanks guys for the info :)

28 x Omega-3 Marine Oil capsules with 300mg DHA
The capsules contain special high purity fish oil, which are a rich source of the important Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. DHA and EPA are especially vital during pregnancy as they are the building blocks of the baby's eyes and brain. DHA is the most important fatty acid required for healthy brain and eye development of the foetus. Each capsule also contains 60 mg EPA, which helps to maintain optimum brain function and cell signalling.
I take mumomega tablets every day, i took them in my first pregnancy too, the only annoying thing is the huge price difference. I am vegetarian and have not eaten fish in 19 years, but i felt as though i should get the goodness from the fish while pregnant for the baby, but i dont think i could actually eat fish, its been too long since i tasted it, :)
Ive taken them for a while now i did so before i was preggers along with other mutivitamins


i now take Sanatogen Pro Natal and Omega 3 pack
one of each each a day.

There may not have been mediacl evidenc eot back up the clames that vitamins work (part from folic acid which has)

But for me personaly i found that my skin hair and nails became clearer stronger and healthier all round looking.
i know that technicaly you dont have to carry on taking folic acid and multi vitamins all the way through pregnancy
(only the first 3 month) bUT IVE CARRIED ON
And you can get all your vitamins and minerals from eating a healthy balanced diet of fresh fruit and veg
but i eat both in good quantities including oily fish
But it wasnt untill i started on the vitamins that my skin cleared up

Omeaga 3 is supposed to boost brain activity
(though i grew up by the coast and ate oily fishies my whole life)
So as you know Suzie IT DIDNT WORK FOR ME :rotfl: :rotfl:

So it's up to you if you want to try them
By the way just want to add Suzie
love the new signature :D
Im waddling too :rotfl:

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