Should i be concerned?

Oh blimey good luck lady. I hope the GP helps u. I have to say when I had my funny turn my GP was not great because as he put it: I don't see many pregnant ladies! Don't let him down play your symptoms, these are pregnancy related ones and could be a sign of something but hopefully not. Keep us posted. kxx
Hi girls, went fine at the docs. My BP was normal and there's nothing in my urine. He thinks i may have picked up a bug or something or that they could be side affects from my constipation - which is pretty severe. So all in all i'm very relieved! Thanks for all your advice girls xxxxxxxxx
Thanks chick :) Think i'm just going to try and chill out for the evening now and get some rest. xxx
Really glad you are okay, best to get these things checked ey? At least your mind is at rest now, hope they manage to sort out the constipation for you, it's awful feeling so bunged up :hug: x
Glad it went well with GP hun, rest up and hope u feel better soon xx
glad it went ok xx As long as it's nothing serious xx
Glad everything is ok hope your getting rest xxx
Thanks girls. Still feeling rough but got an appt with my consultant tomoro so will try and talk to her about it - if she's not too rushed to talk to me that is! Re; the constipation, he gave me some extra strong laxatives, so fx they have some affect as been struggling for months!
Thanks for all of your support yesterday :)
Glad u r ok if not 100%. Hope the consultant can help u mote tomorrow as well :-) I am sure the tablets will work well soon, poor u suffering.

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