Basic things I think you need for looking after a newborn...
- Moses Basket/Next-to-me Bassinet
- Cot (maybe, you probably won’t use it for 4+ months though)
- Sleep sacks/swaddles
- Muslin blankets (useful for changing/tummy time and can be used as burp cloths)
- Warm blankets
- White noise machine
- Bottles (even if bf you want someone else to be able to feed expressed milk)
- Bottle cleaning brush
- Microwave steriliser (optional, I just boiled bottles)
- Breast Pump
- 2-3 Nursing Bras
- Breast pads
- Feeding pillow
- BF friendly clothes
- Glider/Rocking chair (optional but we used it loads, even now for story time)
Baby Care
- Nappies
- Wipes
- Dummies
- Changing pad (you don’t need a table, we only ever changed her on the floor)
- Baby bath (maybe, some people don’t bother - I found it super useful)
- Baby soap/shampoo
- Facecloths
- Soft towels
- Snot sucker (lol - gross but a life saver!!)
Other Stuff
- A place to put them down when you need to shower etc. (swing, bouncer or something - we used a bouncer)
- Playgym
- Nappy bag with change mat
- Set of drawers for storage
- Pram with carrycot
- Car seat
- Baby carrier/wrap for babywearing
Clothes... don’t go mad but newborns often go through 3-4 outfits a day so keep that in mind. Things with buttons are a pain in the ass at nappy change time (like 10x a day with newborns) so I wouldn’t bother. They’ll outgrow them fast so don’t buy all the cute things in tiny sizes, they’ll be in 9-12mo before you know it!
Babies can track things with their eyes about 4wks but can’t hold toys until around 3mo so don’t go overboard there.
I’m sure there’s more but those are the ones that come to mind

Most other things like paracetamol etc. you can get as needed.