shopping list?? advice needed....


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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ok, im trying to conceive after i lost my baby last month, it wasnt planned and was somewhat of a shock but after miscarrying we've decided that we want to go for it :D anyway, im a very practical person and i would like to get most of my baby shopping out of the way before i get pregnant so i can enjoy it and not worry about having to rush to buy things.

the advice i need is a webpage or a shopping list you've used for what you need to get for when baby comes, you know bottles, bibs etc

I'm slightly clueless so any help wud be appreciated!! x x
advice i would give is hold it off its an wives tale never buy for the baby to early it brings bad luck.

but mothercare is a good place to start or toys r us (babies r us)

bottles and sterlizing kit
breastpump if breastfeeding
clothes (avoid gettin to many they quickly grow out of em)
few vests coz the sick on em a lot.
baby bath shampoos etc
nappies (pampers new baby are good)
nappy cream (for rashes)
blankets thin ones for summer thick for winter
pram with a car seat
hats for the head
spoons and lil bowls for dinner
a blender comes in handy
lil toys

run out of thing im sure the other girls will help

good luck
I wouldnt buy everything before being pregnant but its up to you :hug:
Id say mothercare though.
:hug: Good luck TTC
im not planning on buying everything, just the most expensive stuff, clothes and things wont be bought until the 20 week scan wen i know the sex, but thanks will check the sites out x x
Hi, sorry to hear of your loss. :hug:

If you go onto the Toys R Us website, and order a Babies R Us catalogue, at the back of it it has a checklist which tells you EVERYTHING you need! It also has some money off vouchers for cots, essentials etc. :D

Hope that helps. xx

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