Shooting Pains!


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

Just wondering if anyone else has had this?

I was getting ready for work this morning whe suddenly i had a sharpe shootign pain from the middle of my public bone right up to the top of my belly underneath the middle of my boobs! It was painful but not extremely painful. I am seeing the midife on Wednesday so i am going to make sure with her it's normal.

Any suggestions?

I have a similar question for the midwife too this week. Whilst driving last week I had a pain shoot from my left calf up through my thigh and up through the side of my back. It happened twice and took my breath away, so I had to pull over & my husband took over driving. I have had it lots of times in my leg up to my hip, but this was a bit scary. Then it happened again today whilst I was driving.
I wonder whether its the baby moving around and literally hitting a nerve? Maybe.
Hopefully we will both get an answer soon.
Yeah, lets hope so Fordee!! I know that no doubt we will get the same answer too!!

" It's all normal"

I know pregnancy is different for all women and i'm not worrying too much as there is no blood etc but it is no doubt still worrying!

sounds like ligament pain to me! i wouldnt worry about it too much. as long as it doesnt happen all the time and theres no bleeding then it sounds perfectly healthy to me. every couple of weeks i get a strong feeling of ligament pain, just our little ones taking a stretch. and for you right now your little one will be moving on up in your tummy, so all perfectly normal to have pains! xx
sounds like ligament pain to me! i wouldnt worry about it too much. as long as it doesnt happen all the time and theres no bleeding then it sounds perfectly healthy to me. every couple of weeks i get a strong feeling of ligament pain, just our little ones taking a stretch. and for you right now your little one will be moving on up in your tummy, so all perfectly normal to have pains! xx

I figured it will be probably normal, Last week i had it nearly everyday thou, i think i will mention it to midwife, just for reasurrance, be first time ive spoken to her about a problem lol
I get shooting pains still, not as much but do still get them, they go from just unbder my appendix scar on the right hand side over to my left hand side, when I asked the midwife about this she advised it was perfectly normal (didn;t feel normal, feels like I am being ripped open) she said it was probably baby sat on a nerve or kicked a bit of old scar tissue!!! so that's great riven is already beating mummy up lol :)

When it happens try and rest for a bit, I find that helps or massage the spot if you can :) xxx

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