shocked, confused and appaulled

You'd have thought that as a woman she'd have been more understanding, too.

Wishing you all the best for today and hoping that you come back with the news that they treated you better and that baby is fine.
Thank you all for your kind words :hug:

Right I'd just like to start this post by saying that I'm a firm believer in whatever happens to you happens for a reason (being religious I must believe that at the end of the day it's all down to God :wink: ) and for this reason alone I'm ok.

Well my appointment was at 2.30 but at 1.50 I went to the toilet and it seemed like there was just blood dripping everywhere! :shock: :puke: And some 'lumps' I rushed myself on the next bus to the hospital and scampered all the way to antenatal. It wasn't that bad cause I'm close to a bus stop and they are every 10mins which is how long it would have taken for a taxi..if not more :roll:

I rang and told my hubby and best mate what happened and where I was going but my mate was out of town and hubby couldn't leave but said he'd ring regularly.

I explained to the women at reception in antenatal that I had an appointment at 2.30 but I'd just started bleeding 10-20mins ago and I felt very sick and light headed (which I did!). Bless her she took my contact details and rushed me through to get a scan, after checking that I wasn't in too much pain to go through with it.
When they pulled up my file I could hear the 2 nurses mumbling about "booked in for a scan next week" and so for fear of being turned away because of yesterdays doctor I butted in!!
Something along the lines of "I was already booked in for 2.30pm today because it should have been my first scan but yes I'd been to M1 the other day because I'd had brown spotting and they'd told me to go to the walk in scan which I'd had yesterday but that sadly I nobody really told me anything so I went home confused and in pain..which was only during and after the scan. I'd rang my midwife last night because the pain didn't go away and she'd told me to stick to my appointment today but I'd started bleeding loads about 20mins ago and I felt sick."

I think I had to state this twice but they must have found my 2.30pm booking or maybe because I was in such discomfort I was a priority anyway and the lady took me through to be scanned.
She started by saying the scan wouldn't show anything it hadn't already yesterday (dam it she'd read my file!) and that I was most likely having a miscarriage.....but I sort of butted in through sheer desperation and explained to her that nobody really told me anything the day before and I knew they thought something had gone wrong but nobody told me what they just said to come back in a week. She softened then and said she'd look into it because that wasn't right. She then went on about apparently I'd refused an internal scan yesterday. I tried to explain I'd agreed with the nurse only if the ultrasound didn't work....but she was putting me on the bed ready for another an ultrasound anyway. Then she showed me the pictures and explained to me what I SHOULD have been told yesterday!!! :wall:

The egg had never implanted properly. The sack had grown to the size of 6 weeks but the embryo had never developed so the sack had also stopped growing as a result and now my body was finally rejecting it. She could still see it in there and showed me. She said that's why my body thought it was pregnant and now it was trying to miscarry it. I asked her if it was anything medical because I'd never been able to get pregnant before and very softly she told me no, it was very common in first pregnancies...about 1 in every 8 women miscarry with their first and that it was just bad luck and shouldn't affect me in the future. WHY DID I NOT GET THIS EXPLAINED NICELY TO ME LAST TIME??!! :evil:
But at least now I had my answers. She said it'd come out on it's own in a few days or weeks and I'd just feel like I was on a heavy period. Because I felt worse I played up to her about being dizzy and feeling sick so she said should could get a doctor to assess me if I really wanted.

With in 20mins I was back off to the midwives! :D And they're sooooo nice! And so are the doctors on the maternity ward. I think I actually saw 2 doctors and 3 midwives but they were all really nice and said how sorry they were for me etc. :cheer:
They checked my blood pressure twice because it was a bit low (why I was feeling dizzy)...they gave me painkillers...took bloods to test for iron which I got back within 15mins and some more just incase I needed futher studying within the my old blood results back for me and even offered me a sandwich and to stay in a bit longer if I wanted! :hug:

In the end they've said I can do it naturally and come back in 2-3weeks to check that it has actually all come out....or I can have tablets to speed it up...or a small operation to take it out. They stressed there was no rush to decide, they had my blood and could test it for up to a week to make sure I was ok for tablets or operating. They also said if I was loosing a lot of blood (cause I hadn't lost much since leaving home) then to come straight back and if I had any concerns to ring them up and if they were closed because it was after 9pm, another ward would take my call.

I'm at home now about to ask hubby which he'd prefer...tablets or the op...cause I don't want heavy bleeding and feeling groggy for several weeks, especially if I may still need intervention afterwards. Religiously I can do any of the 3.
Him and my best mate did try ringing but I'd had to put my phone off.

My boss has just rang me to see what they said and has instantly given me an entire week off, no questions about coming in. He also suggested the tablets were probably the best (as our friend he was giving this reccomendation) but it was up to me and to let him know if I needed him.

The one thing I am thankful of is that it never got a it was never alive...and in line with that thinking it never died either. So I can cope :sleep:

However I am thinking about maybe trying again even though it was an accident this time round. The midwives said usually after your first real period your ok but that for the best you should probably wait 2-3 months.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

So sorry to hear of the outcome, but I'm glad you finally have clarity.

I hope the next few days go OK for you. You're a very strong lady.

All the best

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh I'm so sorry for your loss :hug: And you will be sometimes happy (that you know you can get pregnant now) and sometimes sad. But everyone is brill on these forums and we will all go through it together and all get there in the end :hug: I too lost a baby who would have been due on 12th Jan. He was a 'surprise' baby too. Feel free to PM me :hug:
So sorry to hear your news - you've had a terrible couple of days. I suffered a similar m/c in April so can sympathise with how you're feeling. Take it easy, one day at a time. Sounds like you're being very strong :hug:

If it's of any help, I waited til the bleeding was quite heavy just to make sure there was no mistake (I'd been told already that the embryo hadn't survived) and was then taken in for d&c op. It's very quick and I then had light bleeding/spotting for 5-6 days. But at least it brought it to an end so I could come to terms with it. But it is a very personal decision...

Thinking of you and take care :hug: :hug: :hug:
Really sorry to hear your bad news :hug:

I am glad the staff were all nicer to you today though :hug:

I went through a similar thing and was given the same options as you and opted for the tablets- it didn't work and was really unpleasant and 7w later I had to have the op as an emergency- if I ever need to go through it again- which I hope I never will- I would chose the op first off rather than the tablets. You will be able to discuss the options in the miscarriage section if you want more info on them :hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry - I hoped that it was all a mistake by the horrible midwife yesterday. Your attitude is fantastic though and v positive - I'm sure that you and your husband will get through this just fine and I hope you get another bfp soon :hug:
so sorry to hear this and of your experience at the hospital. I hope everything works out for you in the future

:hug: :hug:
:hug: Aw Sweetheart, what a horrid experience you have had.... :cry:
I know you have a very strong and sensible way of thinking about the end of this pregnancy, and i am pleased you are handling it in your own way... Please feel free to co to the miscarriage section for any support you may need in the days, weeks and maybe months to come.
What you have suffered is commonly known as a missed- miscarriage, I too have lost, although my babies did develop and a bit different... BUT the 'Pregnancy Products' remain the same for us both... these are what you would take the tablets for, to help your body expel. To be honest.. i like Lisa (fothers) had to have the op. I would recommend EVAC. it's safe and quick and the hospital has the control. I experienced a natural miscarriage at 14+ weeks, it was horrific, and i hemorrhaged badly...So NO i could say thats the best way.. I don't think it is. At the End of the day.. it's your body and your choice...but as a mum who has lost 3 babies... i would definitely advise th op. Sorry for your loss sweetheart.... Know that your chances of losing again are Extremely slim....less than people who have not MC'd before, so you should be able to go on to TTC (taking folic acid) and fall PG again without fear...
Lv and i hope this has helped? Yvonne xx :hug:
Awww bless you. What a horrible time you've had. I'm so sorry to read about this.

Take your well deserved rest and look after yourself.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear you news :hug:

Glad to hear you finally had some good treatment by the hospital and from work.
Thank you all (again) :hug:

I have now booked in for the op on monday afternoon and managed to get my mum up from down south so I have someone to wake up to.

I've had 2 minor operations in the past that I had to be put under for, so hopefuly I'll fly through it. :sleep:
Glad you chose the op over the medicine- I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Hope everything goes well on Monday, will be thinking of you :hug:
:hug: I am glad you have chosen the op, and that your mum will be with you. Please note; If you start to miscarry before then... :pray: please no. :pray: Then call the hospital... don't wait. Call them and let them know, they will advise you. I am sure you will be fine, but as i didn't manage to hang on until my hospital appointment, i thought you should be aware. :hug:

I will be thinking about you on Monday :hug: Wishing you all the best and sending you strong healthy vibes to help you through, Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Sorry to hear your news, best of luck for the future :hug: :hug:
You are so courageous and positive , you are a real inspiration. When i miscarried it was early on so wasnt too bad.

God will be with you while you have your op and will watch over you afterwards, good luck. :wink:
Im so appauled at the way you have been treated by all this hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

and to read your updates had me in tears bless you, im sorry it hasnt worked out well this time round and good luck in trying for the next one, just remember stand your ground, you know when something isnt right, dont be fobbed off again babes..

take care :hug: :hug:

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