she wont settle :(


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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poppy literally feeds constantly, and when i put her in her crib or moses basket even if shes fast asleep shell wake up and start screaming for boobie again.
she just wont settle unles shes being cuddled or on my boob.
its really getting me down and jst wanted to no if this is normal or not and any tips?
im thinking of trying a dummy maybe.
Hey :wave:

Congratulations on you lil buddle of joy :cloud9:

I thought I'd come & pop in from TTC. I know I haven't got any children & probably not the greatest advice either but just wanted to share

My best friend had the same with her 3 children, her lil boy (3rd child) was born on the 3rd Jan & he is exactly the same & don't think she's slept properly at all yet & my mum says I was the same, very demanding & they've both said it took a few weeks for things to settle down


Sorry it's not greatest advice :-(
Tegan was like that for the first couple of weeks. i couldn't put her down for more than 5 mins as she always wanted my Boob is does get better Hun x
Kyan was the same as this, i gave him a dummy at about 2 weeks and was the best decision i made :D He would actually settle for an hour or so without needing cuddling or booby! So Id say as long as your comfortable giving her one try it and see if she likes it.
Try swaddling her hun, my Lilly loved it. We went through exactly the same thing, its hard but we didnt cave to the dummy lure, best desision for us as now she doesnt even suck her thumb and if i try her on a dummy, she spits it out, lol.

I had the same here hun. I gave up when he hit 2 months & regret it, but I'd had no sleep !! Try swaddling or putting a pillowcase you've used as a sheet on her moses so she can smell you. xxx
congratulations on your new arrival!!

we found swaddling helped us. We gave a dummy at 2 weeks as apparently breastfeeding needs to be established before you give one. He did feed almost constantly to begin but like the otehrs say it does get easier.

What about a wrap like a moby wrap? LO used to sleep in this and meant I could do a few things. Have you though about or got one?
Ooh congrats on Poppy's arrival Lilly! Haven't checked the new arrivals section for a while so didn't realise she was here :)
Definitely try swaddling hun, and maybe putting rolled up blankets in her basket to make it really small and snug for her? Lizzie wouldn't sleep in her crib till I did this.
How long do you hold Poppy for before you try and put her down? I have to hold Lizzie for a good 20 minutes after she's fallen asleep to make sure she's in a proper deep sleep, if I try to put her down too early she wakes straight away and wants to suckle more! A lot of the time it is comfort sucking so I put her basket next to me on the sofa and let her suck my little finger till she drops off again - she won't take a dummy.
the first few days my lo wanted to be with me constantly and swaddling her really helped and she had a dummy at 3 weeks because she suckes her hands and i think u can always get rid of a dummy later on but not hands or thumbs it does get easier xx
the first few days my lo wanted to be with me constantly and swaddling her really helped and she had a dummy at 3 weeks because she suckes her hands and i think u can always get rid of a dummy later on but not hands or thumbs it does get easier xx

Me too, I think a dummy is easier to get rid of. People always say they dont like them but I think theyre amazing if your baby likes them. I stopped my sons when he was about 18months no problem and hes never sucked hid thumb or hands etc.

But yeh I didnt know anything about swddling with my son until my mum came when he was 3 weeks old and showed me, works fab :D wish someone had shown me before.
i was the same with my be honest i think he was using me for comfort like a dummy...he was literally stuck to my boobs 20 hours a day if not more! i eventually gave in after about 10days and got him some of them orthodontic dummies and it was the biggest life saver ever!!!! when he started to whinge and i knew hed just been fed i popped in the dummy and he settled! if i were u id give it a try im sure it will help!!
are you assuming she wants boob? she may be a sucky baby and a dummy may do wonders! she may also suffer from acid reflux to try propping up one end of her matress when she sleeps. xx

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