After alot of discussion with our HV, reading and thinking I got a little more open minded to Freya having some baby rice before 6 months on the dot. Firstly, she was 10 days overdue, and there's no history of allergies in our families, also she's consistantly been strong and healthy.
She's been getting ready herself for weeks now, she chases our food (leans over to it, tries to grab it etc), does the chewing action when either us or the dogs are eating and has been uber eager for any small taste offered. Last night my own instincts kicked in big time to at least see what she did with baby rice, no pressure, no illusions that it will be a meal, and definately ONLY if she kept up with her own eagerness. I was more than happy to try it then drop it.
Anyhooo - she snatched the bloody spoon off me! (And yes I do have piccies!!). Only about 10% wound up in her mouth with her holding the spoon, but she tried to get everything there so I did help a little. She was definately in charge and I still intend to lean towards the baby led approach, just that I don't mind sometimes helping her and as she seems to spoon herself then I guess she can have purees too!
I'm a really big foody, I love to eat and cook so cooking and food is a massive part of our house. My biggest wish was for her to enjoy it and she did that with brass knobs on.
She booby fed really well afterwards but has taken slighhtly less milk over night (so my right boob tells me!!), she was uber feeding though and even taking less she still had 2 big night feeds between midnight and dawn.
She's been getting ready herself for weeks now, she chases our food (leans over to it, tries to grab it etc), does the chewing action when either us or the dogs are eating and has been uber eager for any small taste offered. Last night my own instincts kicked in big time to at least see what she did with baby rice, no pressure, no illusions that it will be a meal, and definately ONLY if she kept up with her own eagerness. I was more than happy to try it then drop it.
Anyhooo - she snatched the bloody spoon off me! (And yes I do have piccies!!). Only about 10% wound up in her mouth with her holding the spoon, but she tried to get everything there so I did help a little. She was definately in charge and I still intend to lean towards the baby led approach, just that I don't mind sometimes helping her and as she seems to spoon herself then I guess she can have purees too!
I'm a really big foody, I love to eat and cook so cooking and food is a massive part of our house. My biggest wish was for her to enjoy it and she did that with brass knobs on.
She booby fed really well afterwards but has taken slighhtly less milk over night (so my right boob tells me!!), she was uber feeding though and even taking less she still had 2 big night feeds between midnight and dawn.