She hates the bath!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Anyone elses little one detest the bath as much as my ickle princess? The moment her body touches the water she start cry/screaming, she really seems to hate the water :( She's been like this since day one and it's a real shame as i'd like her to enjoy bath time. I've tried distracting her with toys, singing, music etc with no sucess! She continues crying the whole time she is naked on her mat until she's dressed and then she stops. I'd like her to have more nappy off time but oddly she seems to hate being naked too! The bath temp is perfect and the room is nice and warm so she's def not too hot/cold.

Anyone have any suggestions for helping her to enjoy bath time :?
Seren was exactly the same. I used to bath with her, she seemed to relaxmore - don't know why,maybe she felt more secure being held ad sitting on my tummy. She soon got used to bathing on her own after a while.Now we can't get her out of the bloomin thing
Lydia was the same. She hated baths until she was about 22 months old.

Now she loves them - even after all the water has gone down the plug she refuses to get out of the bath haha. She's a bit bath obsessed :lol:

Alex is following suit in that he screams blue murder in the bath. I'm hoping he grows out of it like Lydia did.
I had exactly the same problem with Grace and I found it so distressing..she used to scream everytime we went near the bath... I had tried everything that was suggested by everyone I asked..... warmer bath, cooler bath, in with me, in with daddy, on her own, big bath, little bath, we even bought a 2nd baby bath incase it was that :rotfl: ........ with toys, without toys, with bubbles, without bubbles.. the list is endless...

then one day I was speaking to yet another HV about it when Grace was about 4 months old and she said to stop bathing her for a month... just to top and tail her. she said that something might have happened early on to freak her and that everytime we put her near the bath it brought the memory back - but that babies had short memories ...... and after a month of no baths should have forgotten the problem... :think: :think:
to be honest I couldn't see it working but was so desperate by this stage ...anyway we didn't bath her for a month and the next time we bathed her, she laughed and giggled through the whole time and since that day has absolutely loved the bath and now we have trouble getting her out !!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Might be worth a try :hug:
we had this problem until she came in with one of us now she only screams when we take her out :lol:

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