Sharp pain in one side!


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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I was kept awake most of the night with a sharp pain in my right side and am abit worried cause had a cyst on right ovary at 12 week scan and was asked then if had any pain on that side which hadn't at the time, ive had some pains on and off but one both sides so put it down to stretching pains but this pain last night was really bad and that side feels sensitive to touch this morning but the pain is not there all the time like it was just the occassional shooting pain. Was thinking of calling midwife but my number for midwife is on my notes which are at home (im at work) should I just call docs?
can't hurt to get it checked, does your surgery have your mid wife contact deatils (not that they generally give them out over the phone).

Thanks for your reply! I rang doctors and they gave me the midwife line number couldn't get any answer on that and was told to call a different number which also wasn't answered but was told to leave a message so hopefully they will get back to me!
Lets hope it's round ligament pains, sounds similar :)
NickyB said:
Lets hope it's round ligament pains, sounds similar :)

That's what I thought, I get them myself, but definitely go see your MW if you're concerned, hope all is well, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
I spoke to midwife finally today after trying all day yesterday and having a really lousy night last night. She said it sounded like where all the liaments were stretching etc it was pushing on my cyst and causing the pain she said to take paracetamol and to take a few days off work to rest up and if it hadn't improved to see my gp. No such luck on taking time off work you would think working with family they would be more concerned but they all just laughed about midwife saying I needed time off to take it easy joking if I took it any easier Id be asleep, cause I run the office of their buisness and they all do manual work so don't consider paperwork hard work! :evil:

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