Share your snow pics!

Thats not snow!!! Once I get organised I'll get my camera out and show u what snow is!!

I had to laugh at the news this morning .... "this is the worst snow in years here" .... you could still see the bl**dy grass!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

S. xx
kirlykird said:
Know what you mean about the panic here, Anders thinks it's strange that airports are closed etc! He can't believe everything goes to pot with this weather! :rotfl:

:lol: We keep laughing at the headlines in the UK saying "the big freeze is coming" Saying that we have a blue sky today in our part of Denmark, we have had a snow shower today but it didn't settle, this time last year we were knee deep. I'm so happy it has stayed away so far, last year it would melt in the day and freeze over at night so we had tall blocks of ice at the sides of the road that didn't melt until April :shock:

Before I had Leorah me and my DH would have a bottle of wine and take my dog for a walk about midnight and use her poo bags to sledge down the hills :rotfl:
skatty said:
Before I had Leorah me and my DH would have a bottle of wine and take my dog for a walk about midnight and use her poo bags to sledge down the hills :rotfl:

I hope they were empty :shock: :rotfl:
This is what I woke up to this morning in London. Nice weather...for snowmen :(


:x Not fair! We only had about 1/2 cm in Bristol and it's raining now, I wanted to go and play in it with Mel. My OH stayed over in Cardiff last night as he's a student there and sent me photos of snowmen in the City Centre. Ha! Enjoy it if you have it!

well here's mine

me playing with millie , first snow she's seen , sent her mad !


but then there's this , what i found when i got home


and as u don know me very well , u wont understand the car thing , but she's my baby ! ( my hobby is cars etc) and plus the £500 repair bill is NOT good :roll:
oooh thats a nasty crack! We're car freaks aswell so yes I understand, id be sooooo gutted!

Love the dog pic, it looks like the dog threw the snowball :rotfl:
Oohhh what sort of car things are you girlies into? :D :D Im sure everyone already knows im car/track mad :D...

And that photo made me laugh so much g3m!

And dionne they are sooooooooooo cute!!!!!!

and you are always in your pjs :sleep:
Ahh snowy pics are great! Snow meant day off for my OH so we got some major house sorting done then i let him go play in the snow :D Hes outside making a snowman with jaycee now, cant wait to see the results! I only like snow from a distance lol, too cold for me!! :lol:
G3M said:
well here's mine

me playing with millie , first snow she's seen , sent her mad !


That pic is hilarious :rotfl: looks like she threw the snowball herself lmao!! :rotfl:

If i saw that crack on my car id cry!! :cry: :hug:
We've hardly got any snow but it was enough to keep Josh happy :)



We didn't get as much snow as some of you did :shakehead: ........I also don't have a garden, so this is the view of the bowling green opposite our apartment, taken from my lounge window:

haha dionne your such a WIMP!!!!!!

ME, OH and Ellis went out in the snow and OH fell over 3 times haha haha haha :rotfl: :rotfl:

It was about 3 inches here too, but its slush on the pathments now and my feet got wet :( xxxx
Dionne, you're always in your P.J's :rotfl:

Great pica everyone. Nearly all the snow's gone here now :cry:
Great Pics everyone, we didnt get a lot of snow thank god!

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