Shaking baby normal??


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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For the past few weeks, probably about once or twice a day, in addition to the regular twisty turny pokey movements I'm getting what I can only describe as like a shaking seizure like movement for about 2 seconds. It scares me and I know it sounds silly but I just imagine him having a little fit in the womb? Is that possible? I'm seeing the midwife on Fri anyway so will mention it but just getting myself worked up a bit. Does anyone else feel this? Xxx
I get this sometimes too, I just put it down to baby working out! I am sure its nothing to worry about x
Not sure Hun. Does it vibate shake?
I know my baby goes bak and forth quite a bit...but don't think it shakes. Does the whole body shake or or part o the baby I.e head, bum or a limb?
Just had a quick look online for you and it seems that it's normal. Apparently the baby will get something aight in your ribs or something an it's just the baby shaking itself free. Lots of people said that they evern went to L&D only to find out everything was
find and it was just the baby having some fun inside.x
to me it just feels like a few small rapid kicks/ punches? xx
Thank you Shootingstar! I read that too but wanted to see if anyone on here had experienced this. It sounds bizarre that it's just him playing, getting stuck and then trying to get free! Lol.

I suppose it could be described as tiny rapid punches or kicks and its not the whole stomach but localised shaking, more or less under my ribs so if he got stuck there it makes sense that he might be trying to get free? Xxx
Thank you Shootingstar! I read that too but wanted to see if anyone on here had experienced this. It sounds bizarre that it's just him playing, getting stuck and then trying to get free! Lol.

I suppose it could be described as tiny rapid punches or kicks and its not the whole stomach but localised shaking, more or less under my ribs so if he got stuck there it makes sense that he might be trying to get free? Xxx

Yeah sounds normal. My babes head gets stuck underneath my ribs an I get a vibration affect...hands also gets stuck there. Why's worse is that with the head against my ribs I get a popping feeling ecause baby is actually bendig my ribs!!!! Ouch! Lol

just double check with you Mw but I am sure everything is ok and normal.x
Thank you Shootingstar! I read that too but wanted to see if anyone on here had experienced this. It sounds bizarre that it's just him playing, getting stuck and then trying to get free! Lol.

I suppose it could be described as tiny rapid punches or kicks and its not the whole stomach but localised shaking, more or less under my ribs so if he got stuck there it makes sense that he might be trying to get free? Xxx

Yeah sounds normal. My babes head gets stuck underneath my ribs an I get a vibration affect...hands also gets stuck there. Why's worse is that with the head against my ribs I get a popping feeling ecause baby is actually bendig my ribs!!!! Ouch! Lol

just double check with you Mw but I am sure everything is ok and normal.x

I get that rib popping feeling too! Feels horrible don't it!!? Thanks again hunny! Xxx
yes - only had it with this pregnancy, i put it down to baby lying back to back - i seem to be feeling everything a bit more than i did with previous pregnancies. Odd feeling isnt it!
I have felt it but i always presumed baby was on a nerve making nerve shake lol. maybe its baby afterall.
I used to get this! I actually created a thread called something like 'Vibrating Baby?', it used to tickle the hell out of me, always made me giggle. She's no worse the wear for a little jiggling now though, LOL!

Haha! So glad others get it too and I don't just have a twitchy baby! Seems normal then!
Lol yep I still get this. Now he is head down I get it in my minge lol

I do question as to weather he is breakdancing in there, but it's very normal Hun. I addressed this to my midwife as it freaked me out a bit.
Now he has no room I can see this weird movement that reminds me of the Harlem shake lol
Lol yep I still get this. Now he is head down I get it in my minge lol

I do question as to weather he is breakdancing in there, but it's very normal Hun. I addressed this to my midwife as it freaked me out a bit.
Now he has no room I can see this weird movement that reminds me of the Harlem shake lol

Lmao!!!! Oh the image ive got! Tiny little fists and shoulders goin in time to a womb-tune! LOLOLOLOL
Lol yep I still get this. Now he is head down I get it in my minge lol

I do question as to weather he is breakdancing in there, but it's very normal Hun. I addressed this to my midwife as it freaked me out a bit.
Now he has no room I can see this weird movement that reminds me of the Harlem shake lol

Lmao!!!! Oh the image ive got! Tiny little fists and shoulders goin in time to a womb-tune! LOLOLOLOL

It looks so funny yet so cool lol I actually managed to get it on film Loool
I showed my mum n hubby. It's weird but u kinda get used to it lol
Might be way off here hun, but could it be hiccups? The midwife pointed out to me the other day that my baby had hiccups and it's the wierdest feeling!! Really fast little jittery movements that I thought were kicks and my whole belly wobbles and it lasts a while - I get it once or twice a day now. Just a thought! xx
Hey hun, no don't think they are as he has hiccups a lot and I know what they feel like this time. Last time I didn't know they were hiccups until I was in labour!!!! Eerie little jerky sensation but then when he turned back to back with me they felt like little internal taps down below. Was weird!!! Lol
for me, definitely not hiccups. Way to fast for that. I think its baby twitching or making fast movements with limbs & that its the reverberation of water movements or something

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