Sexual Discrimination???


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Its a bit long bare with me.
I realise whilst your pregnant that there are strict guidelines for employers, any breech of them may be seen as sexual discrimination. However i would like some of your valued advice regarding work PP.
As some of you know, my employers have been sh**e thru out my pregnancy, but we desperatly needed me to go back to work as i am the main earner. OH was to have Charlie, and we'd both work PT.
Any way, i ended up having a section, and with my job i need to be able to restrain patients if necessary (im a nurse in a secure unit) so i asked if i could go back to doing light duties like i did when i was preg, until i was phsyically fit enough to have patient contact. My nurse manager said, sure no probs and i went back to work a few weeks ago. it was a monday, i then went in again on the friday, and my manager found me and said 'sorry ive made a mistake' im not allowed to let you work light duties as im only allowed to let people work Light Duties if they have a work related injury, as id had a section it was my fault that i wasnt fit to work with patients. I was so wrapped up in being angry with him for not contacting me before i actually got Charlotte and OH up at 6, them to drive me to work, and for my the milk id defrosted out of the freezer (stupid man, does he not know how long it takes to express 500 mls???) But i know of 2 people who have worked light duties when they were not aloowed patient contact due to car accidents (personal mine) i let it go as i am so soft, but today a friend has called me from work to tell me that a health care worker is working light duties due to an infected insect bite :shock:
I think that i am being discriminated against, and this couldnt happen to a male staf member. Do you think i should contact my union before speaking to my nurse manager? Im so angry! we had a break in our mortgage payments and now we have to borrow money to meet them as my expected wages wont be coming in, i have had to stay on maternity benefits.
I hope that ive explained myself correctly, and if you have managed to read the whole post, thanks. Just would lke some feed back from you all before i speak to my manager/union etc. Am i being dramatic???
I think you need some professional advice. Speak to your union, or the Citizens Advice Bureau if you don't want to get the union involved yet. It definately sounds unfair to me (although I'm no professional!) Good luck.
I agree with cloughie you should get some professional advice and find out. It does sound very unfair from what i have read from your post. Good luck hun.
I agree, it sounds unfair. CAB are the best place to start. Good luck hun x
My friend deals with cases like this as she works in HR for the NHS, will ring her for you :)
my mum is a manager at a nursing home and they have to let u do lite duties till u r up to it, she also sed see ur GP HV bout it as they to will be able to sayt ur not up to it
Hi hun good luck as i know what u must be going through as there must be an atmosphier when you do go into work, i was saked from my crap cleaning job when i found out i was pregnant and i contacted CAB but there was nothing i could do because i never signed a contract but never mind we all learn from our mistakes. Hope it gets sorted for you hun xxx
Right, I have phoned my friend she says this:

Do you work for the NHS? if so, go to "occupational health"

If not your work should have some sort of "risk management department" the same people who put you on light duties when you were pregnant, talk to them.

She says it's "absolute rubbish" that your injury has to be work related and under no circumstances should you have to go and restrain patients, they cannot tell you you have to do full duties they are talking crap.

Any more q's let me know.
Thanks to you al for taking time to read and reply!
I have a meeting on friday morning with my manager, i will tell him i want to return to work, and until i feel fit enough i will be expecting to work light duties. It would only be for a couple of weeks or so as im nearly 3 months PP. If he then says no i will speak to my union.
I wasnt sue if i was being a bit dramatic thinking they were out of the way it isnt the NHS i work for.....if it was id still have another 3 months maternity leave at full pay!!!
Thanks again!
Hi hels just wondering how it went thismorning hope everything went well and your feeling better take care hun speak soon xxx
Thanks, really kind of you.
Yes things went pretty well.
Thanks x

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