

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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sorry if tmi, but has anyone else got high sex drive since about 16 weeks?! and it feels even better than b4 u were pg too? ive gone off full sex a bit tho coz my OH is 8 inches & i'm worried it might hurt or traumatise the bby lol
Lol, yeah before i was pg for some reason my sex drive was nil, but now its sky high! I was scared before as OH is 8 and a half, but Jaycee turned out fine lol! Nah, it cant harm the baby, and if its uncomfortable just change position. I used to get cramps alot after sex too, wasnt nice, but i think its just 'tightening' after...u know :oops: :wink:

Its fine as long as it doesnt hurt or uncomfy hun! Go get some!! :wink:
YES!! From quite early on too! But we have been banned!! :shock: We have been told not to have any sex whatsoever as I have a polyp on the cervix and the slightest things sets it off bleeding!! Going mad already and this was only a week and half ago the drs told us NO MORE!!
whats sex?

I am sure if i stopped puking might have a sex drive but I think i've forgotten what to do lol

How do you know his length .Have you got a tape measure out? :rotfl:
Had zero sex drive first time round (apart from self-pleasure :oops: ) But then that was probably because it was with my ex and things were already off-the-boil by then anyway. Still, it was the way we were told to start labour off when we got home... and it worked :wink:

This time round, new OH doesn't know what's hit him! :rotfl:
cloud9 said:
How do you know his length .Have you got a tape measure out? :rotfl:

he said he measured it years ago, apparently his mates didnt believe him, so he whipped it out and held a ruler to it lol

jools, are u allowed to have sex with his tongue or ur own fingers?! i'd really recommend it lol
:rotfl: I love that your all putting your OH measurements on here hehe!

My sex drive has been very lately too, thing is our baby kicks alot when I go to bed so my OH doesnt like to have sex whilst he can feel/see the baby moving :oops:

Plus I have thrush YET AGAIN!!! So I have to be frisky and not get any forfillment :(

It cant cause any harm unless your GP has advised absinence i.e. previous miscarriage.
OH is a big boy too and as much as I want it it always hurts particularly the next day so thats put him off. He's happy to wait and its always me who will push for it then get sore so consequently now have zero drive although I miss it sooooo much :(

But then I am the size of a small whale.....
I enjoy it more now than before I fell pregnant. If I had the energy I would probably want it every night :oops: but I dont so its a few times a week at the minute 8)
sex is deffo on the agenda again, altho im finding it more and more difficult to get comfortable if you know what i mean. I have a pink discharge after sex every time now too which makes me worry - :(
I must be the only one, :( my sex drive was massive before i got pregnant and now i cant do it, not because i dont want to but because it hurts and is uncomfortable, we have tried to do it twice since being pregnant but it aint happening :cry:
Flame said:
I must be the only one, :( my sex drive was massive before i got pregnant and now i cant do it, not because i dont want to but because it hurts and is uncomfortable, we have tried to do it twice since being pregnant but it aint happening :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug: I know how u feel hun, i was like that at first, but you'll get used to it as bubs moves position etc. Try experimenting with positions, thats how we discovered our fav position :wink: Just take it easy and go slow..its like being a virgin again lmao!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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