Sex !


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2008
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Just out of interest !

After losing the baby at 11 weeks in april, we were scared of haveing sex this time around for the first 12 weeks or so , and I was too tired anyway ! LOL

But since then I have either had a sore pelvis or just tired or feeling crap ! and I have totally no sex drive !

Feel so sorry for my other half ! he is very understanding ! but at one of our antinatel classes the midwife said to all the men that not to expect sex for a long time after the baby come ! so hes prob thinkin he will never get any again !

Poor guy !

Has anyone else gone totally off sex, or has no sex drive ! or is it just me !

and any girls with little ones, how long before you felt like sex after liitle one was born?
You are definately not alone!!!!!!! I found once baby started moving around it put me right off having sex, luckily OH understands completely. I feel sorry for him as when we were TCC I was dragging him off to bed at every opportunity!!!

I think you just have to have lots of cuddles to get the closeness, my OH read in one of my books that some woman get an increase in their sex drive so he's disappointed that hasn't happended with me!!!! :lol:
hellie123 said:
You are definately not alone!!!!!!! I found once baby started moving around it put me right off having sex, luckily OH understands completely. I feel sorry for him as when we were TCC I was dragging him off to bed at every opportunity!!!

I think you just have to have lots of cuddles to get the closeness, my OH read in one of my books that some woman get an increase in their sex drive so he's disappointed that hasn't happended with me!!!! :lol:

yeh the same when we were TTC ! and think my OH read the same thing ! LOL ! poor guy !
Mine has been lacking to be fair, but I have continued to have sex throughout my pregancy albeit only once a week :)

Its actually got much more fun in the last few weeks, as its hilarious trying to have sex due to my HUGE bump!!
Sometimes I want it other times I dont because it feels uncomfy and I also dont like the fact that wee guy jumps around more when I cum.. it kinda puts me off but I try to still give OH something as I think its only fair after all the times, like everyone else, I dragged him off to bed when TTC. Its def getting harder to find a way to do it where my back or hips dont hurt. I also seem to be tighter down there (sorry if TMI)
MrsBrightside said:
I also dont like the fact that wee guy jumps around more when I cum..)

I read in a book the midwife gave me that the baby likes it just as much as you do when you cum ! have to say it put me right off for some reason !
firstangel said:
MrsBrightside said:
I also dont like the fact that wee guy jumps around more when I cum..)

I read in a book the midwife gave me that the baby likes it just as much as you do when you cum ! have to say it put me right off for some reason !

yeah I was reading the same thing.... BUT it just dont feel right ya know!!! :puke:
just like everthing else in pregnancy isn't it - everyone's completely different. I hear most women get the urge to have loads of sex in the last month to 'get it out' :lol: so hopefully the OHs are happy enough with that and forget about the lack of it early on.

My OH has been amazing, he actually put me on a ban for a while because of SPD and other ailments. it's v.difficult to go from having a high sex drive to not being able to do much. We're generally once a week now (twice if I'm good lol)! It's certainly interesting with an enormous bump, have to get creative to find comfortable positions.
Were it not for the 4months chronic sickness I would have made much more of the oportunity early on - not sure if its hormones or increased blooflow but sex is very good in pregnancy if you're not totally knackered. Seems to me the saving grace of pregnancy (obviously other than the end product!) :D
We were told not to have sex at 19 weeks because of a polyp on my cervix but to be honest I don't think I could be bothered anyway :lol:
My sex drive has lessened a little, mainly because I'm tired but we are still doing it about three-four times a week. Twice yesterday as we were both at home :D

MrsBrightside said:
firstangel said:
MrsBrightside said:
I also dont like the fact that wee guy jumps around more when I cum..)

I read in a book the midwife gave me that the baby likes it just as much as you do when you cum ! have to say it put me right off for some reason !

yeah I was reading the same thing.... BUT it just dont feel right ya know!!! :puke:

On one level it kinda disturbs me too. I try not to think about it too much. When I do, I justify it to myself as follows: Regular orgasms help strengthen and prepare the uterus (all that contracting), baby won't have any recollection of the events/doesn't have a clue what's going on anyway, having sex helps me relax and it's good exercise which in turn is good for bub and lastly, any protest kicks are well out of order cos that's how they got in there in the first place :talkhand: :wink:

I'm going to continue having my fun. I'm sure it'll be in short enough supply afterwards!
pickled_onion said:
My sex drive has lessened a little, mainly because I'm tired but we are still doing it about three-four times a week. Twice yesterday as we were both at home :D

Wow PO; 3-4 times a week!!! That's more than us way back before I got pregnant! The only time we get near that is when we're on holiday! Do you not have a telly? :lol:

We manage it about once a week at the moment. But it is quite funny trying to find a position that is comfy and doesn't end up with me looking like a bouncy ball! Orgasms are better and easier to come by ('scuse the pun) than they were before, so that's a bonus. But I do find it a bit uncomfy after - my tummy goes rock hard and baby stops moving completely, which I find a bit disconcerting, as it doesn't usually sit still for a minute!
We've not been allowed to since I was 15 weeks because of probs with my cervix. I've to get treatment for it 6 weeks after the baby is born so its gonna be such a long time before we can do it again.. We're doing ok tho, still get to cuddle.

Just a shame I won't be able to try it to bring labour on. I did read that swallowing the cum can be just as effective, but im keeping that to myself for now :D :D
i gave birth 3 weeks and 4 days ago and havent had sex yet. Hubby started getting a bit fresh with me last night but i said i wasnt ready yet, i have no idea when i will feel ready though.
emman24 said:
I did read that swallowing the cum can be just as effective, but im keeping that to myself for now :D :D

LOL !!! got to show my other half this later ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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