Sex Education Show


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Did anyone watch this on Channel 4 last night? It was all about pregnancy and they showed this woman going through labour and giving birth. It was all very 'real' lol :shock:
Yip, I;ve been watching the series it's been good - shocked at the things some of the teenagers have been looking at, dirty wee buggers!!

As for the birth part, don't worry about it!! Mind you I've been watching some programmes bout child birth and then thinking shit I've got to do that ll over again! :lol:
I caught the last few mins when I turned over for The Secret Millionaire. OH said 'are you sure you want to see this?' as the woman was obviously in a lot of pain trying to do the final few pushes. Wish I'd seen the rest of it, the bit I saw was really interesting and, like you say, 'real' :shock:
Well stupid me thought it would be good to have a look on youtube at birth vids!! :talkhand: ive now been banned from looking which I think is for the best :wall:
I was lucky enough to be the birthing partner of my best friend last year. So although this is my first pregnancy I have some idea of what is coming my way. It was a really wonderful experience and whilst she was obviously in a lot of pain (and I felt incredibly guilty for not being able to do anything to help her...bonkers I know!) I'm really happy that I've seen first hand what happens. I even got to cut the cord!!

My cousin, who's 7 months pregnant, was there at her sisters 2 births and now wishes she wasn't! I'm sure it really depends on what puts your mind at rest. I really like to know what's going to happen otherwise I start imagining all sorts of things.

I have to say I'm sure every birth is different so whatever you see, it'll be different for you.

I think watching it reassured me that i might be able to have a normal birth like that this time, i had a really bad time with my son that nearly ended up having a c-section but they decided against it last minute and pulled him out! I'm actually terrified that it's going to happen again and i kinda got stuck with the image of that's how it's going to be - end of. But watching that reminded me that yeah, it is a painful, but it's really worth every minute - it took me a couple of days after his birth to realise this and to bond, but i got there!!!! Having a birth like that would be nice and easy!!
MrsBrightside said:
Well stupid me thought it would be good to have a look on youtube at birth vids!! :talkhand: ive now been banned from looking which I think is for the best :wall:

Think your wise hun....I was exactly the same in my first pregnancy and it really began to scare me I was a nightmare!!!!!!

The Sex Ed Show has been great though ive really enjoyed it!
I was offered a mirror in labour last time, i was like no thank u. Im in agony why would i want to see everything, my oh watched the head come out and he changed colour that was great!!! :puke:
I wasnt that freaked out... until they showed the placenta. My queasy tummy and that was NOT a good combo.

It was very real! x
I thought the program was great, but there was one thing that worried me - the stories aboout third degree tears :shock: I nearly cried at the thought!
LittleMe said:
I thought the program was great, but there was one thing that worried me - the stories aboout third degree tears :shock: I nearly cried at the thought!

This is very rare hun, if they think you are in any way going to tear badly they will probably give you an episiotomy which is a small cut, and this is the much better option than tearing even though it sounds awful. I had an episiotomy with my son and it was fine, not as bad as I though it would be!!
Jaidy said:
LittleMe said:
I thought the program was great, but there was one thing that worried me - the stories aboout third degree tears :shock: I nearly cried at the thought!

This is very rare hun, if they think you are in any way going to tear badly they will probably give you an episiotomy which is a small cut, and this is the much better option than tearing even though it sounds awful. I had an episiotomy with my son and it was fine, not as bad as I though it would be!!

Oh good. Thanks for the reassurance! It all just sounds painful enough without them cutting you on purpose! All good fun eh? :lol:
I watched this over the internet on channel 4 website today after reading this post and a few other people mentioned it to me too.

Scaaaarrrryyyyyyyy! Freaked me right out! A nurse friend said that wasn't bad at all either and said shed borrow some training videos if i want them to watch, i'm not sure whether this is such a good idea now..... :?

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