sex drive in first tri??


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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hello! :wave:

sorry for me to be the one to start this thread and sorry if there is or has been one already that ive missed!! :doh: :think:

i just wondered if anyone had a sex drive at the moment!? :? :dance:
(i don't!) :oops:

i feel sorry for OH,as when TTC we were at it like bunnies :rotfl: :dance: and now im either so tired or retching for england! :bored: :puke:

(lol can't imagine im very sexy at the moment anyway!) :rotfl:

................just wondered if this was the same for others in 1st tri or just me!!!! :think:

please reply and tell me its not just me!!!!!!!!!!
I felt the same in 1st Tri, i had morning sickness and felt so tired that sex was just not on my mind but my sex drive seriously bounced back after a few weeks in Tri 2 and is still going strong in Tri 3 which OH is loving :wink:
So dont feel bad if your not feeling in the mood for it, i think its quite common especially in Tri 1 :hug: x
I dont feel sexy at all either.
And even though I hvent put on any weight, have just gained a lil tummy bulge... I still feel I would crush my partner if I lay on him!!
Its depressin!!!!!!!lol
I had no sex drive in 1st Tri and still have non in 2nd Tri......although I give in once a week or so for DH's sake!!

I feel very heavy and awkward when I move at the moment, which I think is part of the problem!

You are definitely not alone in feeling like this, and hope your DH doesnt start feeling like some of the hubbys in the Tri 2 forum who wont have sex, as they dont like the thought of poking the baby :rotfl: Men are such funny creatures, which is obviously why we love them!!!!
I still have my sex drive... BUT im that tired I cant be bothered :lol: hes still getting some im just not as energetic as I normally am :rotfl: :rotfl:
I had the sex drive of a dead nun for the first couple of weeks, but DH used his persuasive skills on me on Friday night :lol: and boy did it work!! Its definitely reignited my sex between me feeling like poo that is!
I have had no sex drive since being pregnant in the slightest. I actually cant stand the thought!

poor OH its been 19 weeks now :shock: thats quite shocking!
Im so stubborn. I might make an effort one day..... :D
keelie_b said:
I have had no sex drive since being pregnant in the slightest. I actually cant stand the thought!

poor OH its been 19 weeks now :shock: thats quite shocking!
Im so stubborn. I might make an effort one day..... :D

LOL.. im the same. I did make the effort the other day and now he thinks im one of those annoying horny pregnant woman (yes im jelious) i had to break it to him gently that thats it for a while now!! I just cant be arsed!

Claire x
I have absolutely no sex drive, and I feel really guilty about it! But apparently it's meant to be the opposite in the 2nd trimester so I guess we should wait and see if that's true!
i have no interest at all and feel really guilty. Still OH still gets it a few times a week anyway so he isnt that neglected.

Am hoping i can regain some interest in Tri 2!!

Somehow it just seems wrong when pregnant!!
thanks so much ladies its very reassuring to know its not just me!! :hug:
To be honest, one of my reasons was the fact that there was a bit of blood the first time we did once I was pregnant. It put me off as I was afraid it might happen again. But it wasn't anything serious, and last night there was no blood at all so I needn't worry. But my sex drive has never been very high and pregnancy makes that worse.
hi hun, everyones different but my sex drive has nearly completely gone! in first tri sex was a no-no, then we did it once in a few weeks, as i felt better in myself it has gone to once a week now, usually at weekends when im not so tired from work, but still, its come down a lot from us doing it every day at least once!!! poor OH!!! im just :pray: ing my sex drive comes back once Missy is born!! :hug:
I had no sex drive at all till about 17/18 weeks and I know a lot of women who've said the same!

I do feel a bit sorry for the men as its such a change from TTC to nothing but then again, its a fair price to pay considering what we have to go through!
I'm just so scared to do it just in case! its ben such a long wait to get a bfp i dont want anything to ruin it! Even though my doc says the baby is really safe in the womb and I couls if i wanted to go horse riding even!!!!1

Still will wait i think till after the scan in 2 weeks, sorry hubbie

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