Sex drive crashed and burned!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Feel sorry 4 my dh at the moment,I've always had a higher sex drive than him bit since I found out Im pg I just haven't been interested,he's really makin the effort but the thought actually repulses me atm,it was the other way around with my last pregnancy (somethin my dh reminds me of daily),just feel generally rubbish and def not sexy in anyway. Is any1 else goin thru this? xxx
I've gone from several times a week to once a week, not really by choice though mainly because i feel crap, yukky and unattractive at the moment.

Its still early days yet though! I dont think i put out once in the first tri, i was in bed by 7 most nights!
I had zero sex drive for a lot of weeks hun, rolled over and closed my eyes the odd time because I felt sorry for OH :lol: But once I got over that I was back to normal, and then wayyyyy above normal :lol: Hope it comes back for you soon xx
thank god im not the only one! Cant bear the thought atm if im honest and feel terrible as we only got married a few weeks ago!! Fingers crossed it comes back soon or he'll be after a divorce haha! X
yeah i feel like that at the moment, perhaps the urge will come back in a few weeks!! x
Mine has gone completley :( they say it should come back In 2nd tri but no not me it's disappeared of the face of the earth HAHA!
Mines completely gone, i thought it would come back after the 12 week stage but nothing yet :(
Phew I'm glad I'm not alone,in my last 3 pregnancies it has always soared...hey u never know it might mean I'm havin a girl!!! :)
mine dipped in my last 2 pregnancy's and went straight back up again within weeks and i had 2 girls, so im hoping this time it means im having a boy lol
It will b interesting to see if were right lol...I've also had horrific heartburn from early on which I don't usually get til later on...hmmm do I dare to believe that I'm not destined to have a football team? x
Ooo Interesting that the sex can have something to do with it! learn something new everyday :) I want a little girl x
No,i want to keep it as a surprise xx
Lol...I'm the only person I know that is strictly team yellow...every1 says 'ul want a girl this time' but I'm honestly not bothered either way,I just want my baby,safe in my arms next year xx
I wanted to be on Team yellow but there not many unisex clothes nowadays, so I am forced unfortunatley :(
With my sons I just bought a White/cream baby gros and vests and a couple of outfits (from babies r us I think) wen they were born everyone bought me clothes 4 baby and the money I saved from not buyin b4 meant I could do some shoppin after the birth.

And if I had found out the sex and bought a load of clothes then they wouldn't have fit my 9lb 5oz son and if I'd had a small baby then I'd have had to buy more anyway xx
Ooo Interesting that the sex can have something to do with it! learn something new everyday :) I want a little girl x

The sex of the baby can cause all sorts...different cravings etc.
I know I'm feeling different to all my other pregnancies,I've got 3 boys already xx
I crave alsorts :) hehe, gravy was my 1st craving then fruit and brocolli :)
yeah me too. i have 2 step sons and not really bothered either way as long as baby is healthy xx

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