severe pelvic pain

Aww chick :hug: x I wouldn't worry about work, they can't sack you for pregnancy related illness, it's not your fault xxx It really sounds like SPD/Sciatica though xx
forget about work for today, they can't do anything to you while you're pregnant. hopefully you'll get an early appointment and the docs will be able to help you. Take it easy until then. Hope you feel better soon x
Thanks flugel. I just rang in manager was ok she said my senior had spoken to her already and said that I struggled yesterday and stuff bless him! Next week I have a course and she said hopefully I will be signed on light duties and I can still do it.
Poor you :-(
Hope the doc sorts you out xxx
Sorry didn't realise there was a second page, my above commet probably doesn't make much sense! All those suffering take it easy and hope you feel better!
thanks nat!
I have had to cancel all my dance classes etc and it sux as school just getting off ground hope i find another teacher to help me out soon i've put an advert out so fingers crossed.
I remember my friend having this and got some sort of hip\pelvic support thing to wear. Hope the docs can help you out a bit.
thanks ninja! i hope they can do something cos i wanted to enjoy being pregnant
DId you manage to get an appot hun? x Thats good work are being ok with it :) xx
I just got back from seeing the doc, he suspects SPD and is very concerned at the amount of pain at just 10 weeks, he siad the osteopath will give me a more definitive diagnosis.
He said it is only gonna get worse not better so may have to take my maternity leave sooner than i wanted too.
He has signed me on light duties, no heavy liftting or prologned standing or time on my feet. Just rang work, manager said we dont do heavy bs i would call most of our work heavy lifting, and we dont stand we walk if i get ttouble next week am gonna go straight to HR, and occ health.
I was really tearful in docs :-(
Massive :hug: xx If you can manage to go to work, explain how much pain your in but that you're happy to sit and do whatever you can x You shouldn't be lifting at all really x

If it's totally unbearable I'd go back to docs and get a sick line xx Not fair for you to be in pain and sit at work when you can't do anything xx

Sorry to hear your news :hug: Ask for an OH referral so that your duties can be assessed. I work in HR and deal with OH all the time. I'd def be referring you to OH.

I agree with Olive, you're company should be supporting you through this not making you feel bad about it. If they ask you to do things you don't feel comfortable doing, go straight to HR and ask for help. Just out of interest, what kind of job do you do?
I am a radiographer kedi.
I am just about to ring ACAS for advice, because now i am really worried about monday, if manager doesnt listen to note.
So just got off the phone with ACAS, basically they said that manager cannot ignore the note as it is a legal document and if i feel like i am being asked to do much i should go back to gp and explain. She said manager should have done risk assesment on me cos of my job, and i can ask for it in writing if i still dont get it then i have to go back to ACAS who will talk me through the next step. She also said if i feel i cant do something and no body is supporting me I can leave work that day under my fitnote.
I cant believe i have to go through all this it is stressing me out big time
This sounds terrible hunn, really hope you get your manager sorted out on Monday. Easier said than done, but try and relax over the weekend and don't think about it till you get to work on Monday xxx
OMG have they not already done the risk assessment for you? That's pretty disgusting if they haven't.

Listen to ACAS and don't let work stress you out even more. There are more important things for you to think about. Have you spoken to your HR Department?

Lol kedi she doesn't want to do it til I am firther on cos of previous mc's wtf! Lol
Not yet gonna go see them if get trouble monday
WTF??? And these people call themselves managers?? They don't have a clue. If she had done the Risk assessments for your last pregnancies she could have just reassessed those again and added anything extra!! oooooooohhhh these people make me mad!

I'm the risk assessor at work, so I've already done my own risk assessment then got my boss to sign it :)
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