Severe Backache


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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OK I'm getting really severe backache & hip ache when I lie on my back or either side so its making it really uncomfortable to sleep or lie in bed :( I also keep getting sciatic pains down my bum and legs.

I am getting backache during the day but thats bearable its at night where its really bad, it feels as though there is a lot of pressure on the bottom of my back/hips.

Does anyone know of anything that I can do to help relieve this? Paracetamol aren't doing anything at all so not much point in taking them but maybe something that with help me get more comfortable?

Im quite worried that this is going to get worse as I get further on and to be honest its almost unbearable now so dread to think what it would be like if it got worse :( help!

Thanks x
I've had preety bad backache sinceabout 10weeks...But I'm not sure what to do about it either. It can be worse when I lie on my side... If I put a cusion between my legs its often a lot better and I can get some sleep :sleep:
I have had a bad back since week 7, have been signed off work ever since. Go to your GP, mine sent me for physio which does help as the physio does something to release the pressure on my bum/hip. As we can't have x-rays or MRI's or anything I am afraid that the only thing that you can do is rest.
Jo, I had horrendous sciatica during my last 2 pregnancies but after reading the link you attached i think maybe i had this!!!

I found going to a pregnancy approved reflexologist once a month helped me a huge amount. I used to go to her in agony and leave an hour later with no pain for approx 3 weeks!!

So far this pregnancy i haven't had it, but if i do I'll go back to my reflexologist.

Ooo sounds interesting alfie, how much did that cost? I wonder if you can get this on the NHS? x
I think it was £25 a session, but they vary, i'd say the max you're looking at would be £30 a month!

Well thats not too bad then and well worth it if it keeps away the pain, thanks im gunna see what they say when I got for antenatal then get searching around for a reflexologist :D x

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