semi-permanent hair dye help!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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does any1 kno how they work.

i thought they lasted 24 washes therefore u could effectively wash them out in only one week if u wash ur hair like 4 times a day! but my boyf said it dont work like that they hav 2 wear off.

i'v had a hair disaster! my highlights were so growing out and i cant go 2 the salon as millie wont take a bottle so i cant leave her in case she gets hungry. so i put this plum colour on, its a lot darker than i thought and now i look like a goth! (not that i hav anything against goths b4 any1 gets offended, but it dont suit me i look horrible!)

is it worth washing my hair a million times or do i just hav 2 wait 6 weeks?

please i hope sum1 can help me!
try using washing up liquid or vosene. They should strip the colour out. But use a good conditioner too or your hair will feel like dolls hair Good luck. :hug: :D :hug:
Try coloring over with a very pale red - it'll give you a rather nice dark red, if you think that would be an improvement.
I did the same thing, and it worked out good.
Head and shoulders should help strip it...or any dandruff stuff...

But I dont know how fast that will work..I would do as OingoZoingo said and cover it :hug:
If it's a complete disaster then use a blonde pre-lightener. It's really bad for your hair and will completely bleach it, like a nasty peroxide blonde/white, so make sure you have a colour to go on top afterwards that you want (don't make my mistake and go out to buy colour afterwards - I had to go to work with white hair, worst day ever). The blonde will take any colour easily too, so go a little lighter than you want it as you can always dye darker over the top but if you go too dark you'll be in the same situation!

I know this because I dyed my hair black by mistake (left dark brown on for WAAAAAY too long) and no hairdressers would go near it.

It's not good for your hair though so use a good conditioner, and do it before you get roots so that the bleach turns your whole head of hair the same colour!

Hope that makes sense. There are some good pre-lighteners that are friendly, can get them in normal shops like boots/superdrug etc, and they'll be next to the highlighting kits.
You don't need to bleach out your hair to dye over it. Just use a light brown or a light red, and it will change to color nicely. It won't be exactly what's on the box, but it won't be very dark.

Bleaching just distroys your hair. DO NOT DO IT!
I went from a dark purple to a nice full red, one go. Within a few washes the red had lightened considerably to a more natural brown. :think:
if it is semi-perm you needn't go as far as to bleach it.

You can get some stuff called borax from the chemist's and its a strong cleaning stuff and is what I've been recommended to use for this purpose in the past- I think you dilute it quite a bit :)

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