Semen analysis results


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2010
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OH had his SA test at the beginning of December last year and we rang for the results early Jan and was told his count was low, no actual numbers though so he started taking Wellman pretty much straight away.
We had our follow up appointment at the fertility clinic last week and got told just how low, it's 3 million per mil and the Dr said the motility and morphology however were normal.

Today however I got a copy of the letter they sent to my consultant and GP and it states his total motility is 27% and morphology of 6%, now if his motility is 27% isn't that low? and not normal as we were intially told last week? the word normal is only used in reference to his morphology % in this letter :sad:

They are obviously taking these results as final as they didn't even mention doing another one.
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They'd still be doing ICSI though based on the concentration so i don't suppose it matters anyway as long as you have some that are motile and of a normal shape, you'll be fine :)
I guess, I just wanted to know really and it's kind of annoyed me that we was told it was fine and it isn't.

Plus, as crazy as it seems we're still not giving up hope that maybe i'll be lucky and we fall pregnant without ICSI espcially as we are only entitled to one round and paying just isn't an option :(
Sending you hugs. It's such a shock, isn't it
Hey hun hope your ok, I hope they explain it to you better. Just wanted to send you some :dust: xx
Sending you hugs. It's such a shock, isn't it

Thank you, complete shock espcially as I really expected the problem to be with me and be something that could be sorted pretty easy or just the need for IUI.
To hear the Dr tell us we can continue to try but it's extremely unlikely to happen was so hard to hear and my OH has been not stop worrying and stressed about it since :(
Hey hun hope your ok, I hope they explain it to you better. Just wanted to send you some :dust: xx

We don't go back to the clinic now as we just wait for our appointment for ICSI which will be in a different department at the hospital so I guess thats the last we will hear of any of our tests/results.

I can't believe how far along you are now, how are you feeling? has the pregnancy been ok? bet you are so excited :) xx
I know it goes quick. Trying to get house all sorted now but still at work!

So your next step is ICSI, what's happens there? I hope it happens for you soon hun! How's your fella taking the tests and things? Xx
Hey Tinkerbell, my OH's sperms about the same, count of 4.5 mil with 16% moving but good shape etc. If you ever want any support let me know as I know it can be very hard, especially with ur OH taking it badly which mine did too. Much love xxx
I know it goes quick. Trying to get house all sorted now but still at work!

So your next step is ICSI, what's happens there? I hope it happens for you soon hun! How's your fella taking the tests and things? Xx

Have you still kept it a surprise if it's a girl or boy? Any signs he/she may be on the way early?

ICSI is just like IVF expect the inject the sperm straight into the egg instead of putting the sperm all in a dish with the eggs and letting them do their thing.

Hey Tinkerbell, my OH's sperms about the same, count of 4.5 mil with 16% moving but good shape etc. If you ever want any support let me know as I know it can be very hard, especially with ur OH taking it badly which mine did too. Much love xxx

Thanks Gemma, you too. It's so tough isn't it, yeah my OH is taking it badly too although I think he is starting to accept and deal with it a bit more now but I know it's not easy for him xx
Hi tinkerbell!! If it gives you any comfort, I got pregnant and oh also got low spermcount. He got 5 millions pr ml (if I remember forte tøy, will Check my papers later when I Get home). I know it's hard, but I believe you still could Get pregnant! I had a lot of ewcm the month I got my bfp, so I Think that's what made the swimmers survive. Maybe you could try preseed??

Wish you lots of luck!!!

Awww Tink,

All these positive stories of concieving on a low count are good.

Sending hugs your way x

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