Selling: Pushchair

You need proof of purchase not necessarily a till reciept. I doubt your mum wil have paid cash for it so take the bank statement/credit card statement back in.

I would write and complain about level of service of noone helped me to the car with a heavy box and I was pregnant...
I cant see them havin a prob, I took something back to them that I had brought second hand but was still only 3 months old and went bang on me they replaced it and compensated me without question!

Mothercare really are a considerate company im sure if you explain you dont want refund just credit I cant see it being any hassle for them they still ahve £300 of your money!
\the only time a shop needs to take anything back is if it is faulty. It is the discretion of the shop manager as to whether they take it back and what proof they want.
I think its just because weve all had such good customer service with them in the past and know their company policies pretty good in way of returns that youll be alright :wink:
Slinky Sarah said:
\the only time a shop needs to take anything back is if it is faulty. It is the discretion of the shop manager as to whether they take it back and what proof they want.

That is the statutory minimum - most shops set their policies above this.

I know when I worked at M&S we worked to our own policy - we'd take back pretty much anything within any time limit. However, if the customer had no proof of purchase we could only give them a refund at the current selling price (so take things back before the sales start).

Also, we would give cash for returns even if the customer didn't have a receipt or paid via a different way - I'm not sure if this might have changed now though because of all the recent problems with fraud. :think:

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