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Should I buy a diferant pushchair?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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Iv heard all this stuff about if your child doesnt face you in a pram it will have problems later in life.
Personally I think its a load of crap.
But, I just wondered how much truth there actually is in it?
This is the pram Iv got
http://www.mothercare.com/Mothercare-Tr ... 1&mcb=core
The baby will face me untill its grown out of the travel system car seat but after that the baby will not be facing me.
My mums been telling me I should think about getting another pushchair,
But I payed £300 for that pushchair and love it, and dont want to waste my money as mothercare wont take it back as Iv had it for too long and its out of the box.
I'm not a mum but im pretty sure that is complete rubbish!! :roll:

When it gets a bit older it will want to see what is going on around it and it will keep them more content. Being driven backwards for hours while staring at its mummy probably isn't the babys idea of fun :lol:

Btw, thats a good bargain you got there!
jazzmum2be said:
:lol: :lol:

'btw thats a good bargain you got there'
sarcasm? lol

No seriously it is! You've got a pram, car seat AND carry cot for under £300! I've been looking online today and can't seem to get a good bargain on the type I want. At the moment, the one I like best is £280 for the pram and carry cot only (with extras). The car seat is an extra £115 along with expensive bits to attach it to the car :roll:
I thought it was expensive. Well not stupidly expensive.
But I looked at the silver cross ones witch were like £500,
the weels are tiny and this one looks alot more sturdy and its wayyy easier to fold up. :)
Witch pram you got in mind hun?
If you love it dont bother there are very little prams out there that actually face parent any how when you look and with the car seat on your baby will be facing you on the model you have brought.

If your mum is that bothered ask her to buy you another :lol:
jazzmum2be said:
I thought it was expensive. Well not stupidly expensive.
But I looked at the silver cross ones witch were like £500,
the weels are tiny and this one looks alot more sturdy and its wayyy easier to fold up. :)
Witch pram you got in mind hun?

It seems good from the video on the site.

Was thinking about the Luna type in M&P http://www.mamasandpapas.co.uk/product- ... 01/type-i/ (not sure with colour, either the truffle or green).
Oh great, I LURRRVVEE that one now :lol:
Thats the trouble, Iv got this one but then people will show me otherones and ill be like oh I like that one now.
Iv gotta stop looking :lol:
jazzmum2be said:
Oh great, I LURRRVVEE that one now :lol:
Thats the trouble, Iv got this one but then people will show me otherones and ill be like oh I like that one now.
Iv gotta stop looking :lol:

:lol: :lol: but now im thinking about your one!! Your lucky to have yours bought already.
Was a bit spur of the moment thing.
Was in town with my dad & saw it in mothercare and it was the only one left in stock in that colour,
so I did the whole puppy dog eyes and my dad got it for me for MY christmas preasant :lol:
jazzmum2be said:
Was a bit spur of the moment thing.
Was in town with my dad & saw it in mothercare and it was the only one left in stock in that colour,
so I did the whole puppy dog eyes and my dad got it for me for MY christmas preasant :lol:

Not fair :shakehead: :) Did you get the navy?
Try not to worry, your baby will face you during those first few months and then baby will probably want to be looking around at the world. I just dont like seeing newborns forward facing-they look so vulnerable dont they!
scones said:
Try not to worry, your baby will face you during those first few months and then baby will probably want to be looking around at the world. I just dont like seeing newborns forward facing-they look so vulnerable dont they!

Yeah they do, I would want to keep an eye on my baby when im out and about otherwise id keep stopping and checking up on them!
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Not fair :shakehead: :) Did you get the navy?

Yeah I did (:
I saw the other colour one but didnt really look as nice to be honest.

scones said:
Yeah they do, I would want to keep an eye on my baby when im out and about otherwise id keep stopping and checking up on them!

Same :lol:
No its a load of rubbish!! How much time will they actually spend in the pushchair and you will interact at other times anyway.

I am on my third pushchair so the whole wanting another thing doesn't go away!
Baillie has a travel system and as soon as she was a bit aware of her surroundings she screamed like hell when she was in the car seat facing me! I had to put her in the outward facing buggy from about 3 months so she could see what was going on - she wasn't interested in me! Everyone used to comment that she looked too small to be in a buggy like that - but fingers up to them coz she was happy! :wink:

Keep the pushchair you have hun!

Kim x x x x
I vaguely recall some notion many years ago of a school of thought that said babies that always faced mum (as in the old style silver cross prams etc) ended up with 'social problems' because they were never looking around them and were 'too attached' and clingy to mum hence a huge selection of forward facing prams suddenly becoming the 'in thing'. :roll:

I think an awful lot of what is 'best for baby' is perpetuated by the people that are going to make money out of it. :shakehead:

If baby is going to be in the pram for a walk to the park, or a bit of shopping or a nap etc I don't think it really matters which way they are facing. Baby is still going to get one on one interaction with mum and conversely also look at the world around at other times - as with everything else in life, moderation is the key and it is unlikely baby is going to be spending a great deal of awake time in a pram.
our pram's pretty much the same as that, he faces me while in carseat.carrycot, but once he's on the pushchair, ill miss seeing him while we're out :(

bloody good pram tho........good price, cup holders, mine's beige, has a wee holder for my phone/money, basket underneath for shopping! (mines a graco one but pretty much same as yours) :D

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