Secret Wedding??


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2011
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Just discussing with my OH if we should just get married in secret and tell everyone afterwards? We have been engaged for nearly 2 years and our original plan was to get married while we were on our round the world travels last year, but due to a few hiccups, never ended up doing it (our family were aware of our plans), we have now been back since May Last year and are obviously expecting a baby, but still have made no plans to get on and organise anything. The reason we wanted to get married abroad is because (me mainly) I hate a fuss at the best of times, and can't think of anything worse than a big wedding with loads of people there, and I've never been the sort of person that is fussed about 'my big day' and the rest of it, and now we're back I'm thinking the best way to avoid this is by planning a secret wedding instead! I know my family would be fine as they're happy as long as we're doing what is right for us, but I can see my OH's Mum and Sis being the problem, as they'll go on about this person and that should have been there, when in my opinion it's our day and up to us, and I just know I would hate every minute of it otherwise! I have nothing against doing it the 'proper' way, but just know it's not for me. Anyway, has anyone else done this before or know anyone who has, and how did it all go?
Not done it. Obviously if the families r happy and ur happy go for it!

It wouldnt be for me as I would want my family to be apart of my day. Even if I was having a small wedding I would want our immediate families to be apart of such an important day.

A couple I know wanted to get married during preg. And they literally had 20 people in their church at 3pm , few photos from family, and they had a meal in a hotel with the twenty at about 6pm and about 30 close friends joined for a knees up (the hotel has live music on weekends). It was fantastic. She didnt invite cousins unless they were apart of her close friends circle. :D xxx
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I didn't have secret wedding myself (although with hindsight it sounds like a wonderful idea now!) but a lady i use to work with did. When she got married it was just her, hubby and another couple. They just went to a reg office, did the deed and then went for a lovely meal together. It was only afterwards that they told both families too. Both couples got married this way, by being the others witnesses. I would say go for it and make it the day that you and you OH want.
I didnt want the fuss etc and would have happily done the secret wedding however my husband didnt agree, his family mean everything to him and he wanted them there so we compromised just family and close friends and I can honestly say I hated the fuss but it meant so much having them there I wouldn't change it now.

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Didnt do a secret wedding but did a very small one, we had 13 people there which included ourselves. We told everyone that we just wanted to do a quiet close family wedding and they were all fine about it. I didn't even allow anyone to bring their long term partners.
We had been together 10 years and I was 30 weeks pregnant so I think that helped people to see that we didn't need the big expensive day.
At the end of the day it's your & OH's day about becoming husband & wife not everyone boozing up & dancing the night away
Thanks everyone, well, we have booked a date, not too far away now, but are thinking about maybe having our Mum's and Dad's as witnesses, so at least they're still involved, but not telling them until a few days befroehand so they haven't got time to complain about anything we've done! FX all goes to plan, the dress and shoes are on order, so it's all becoming very real!:dance:
Good luck Zoe! Enjoy it.... I dd it 2 weeks ago with just my mum and dad as witnesses then we went out for a meal, a couple of my friends came along to watch the service, one said it was one of the nicest weddings she'd seen as it was so intimate, we had songs playing that were special to us. I live in Cheshire but come from Scotland so we 'eloped'! We had the most perfect day, i would do it again exactly the same. Xxx
no married yet buts actually my idea of the perfect wedding x
Oh my! Good luck and enjoy hun :D We had a 'secret' wedding - only our closest family members knew about it and I swear it was so relaxed, planned it in 6 weeks and barely cost us anything! I still had a lovely wedding dress and my bridesmaids etc! Got my dress for £50 off ebay!

If I had the choice I wouldn't change a thing! At the end of the day its all about you two and no one else! Dont get me wrong everyone was shocked when we told them, and some of my family have ignored me since - but thats childish and once they realise that the better! Lol.

Enjoy your day hun! Keep us updated xxx
You must keep us all upto date on your plans, sounds so very exciting :D
It's nice to hear other people are the same as me! Date has all been booked and had an email today saying my dress has been dispatched, now just need to make a decision on witnesses and we are good to go! :D

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I think it will be amazing to surprise your parents and have them as witnesses, it'll save hard feelings about being left out also! :D Good Luck! Can't wait to hear how you get on and see your dress. I'm sure it'll be amazing xxx
Well, the registry office is booked, lunch is booked, cake is sorted, just going to give the invites out today, I can't wait to see everyone's faces, can't be often you receive a wedding invite for 3 weeks time! At least if we do get anyone getting arsey with how we're doing things, they have 3 weeks to calm down and deal with it! :)

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Wow that sounds amazing!! Hope you both have a fab day!! X

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ahhh all the best hun its great you are doing it your way! it sounds fab keep us updated! xx
Sorry for the lack of updates, been hectic with work and wedding planning, but tomorrow is the day, can't believe how quick its come round, I think we might have rain, but I've been informed its lucky, so I'm going with that!! I'll post a couple of pics when I am officially a Mrs!! :D

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Oooo I've been wondering about you. Good luck for tomorrow, rain is apparantly lucky but who cares! Tomorrow you will be a Mrs and thats all that matters :D

Hope you have a lovely day x
Best of luck!! Xx

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Hope you had a fabulous day Zoe, look forward to seeing some pics xx

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