Second babies, on time or late??


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Did your first babies come around the same time as your second babies???

Ellis was 2 days early and I would hate to go to far over my due date, but i dont wanna be early (unless its at 38 weeks) cos my mum is on holiday and back 2 days before my due date!! silly cow!! haha

My 1st was born 7 days early and my 2nd was induced when I was 11 days over.
Dior was born 35weeks Harley was born 35weeks 3days
cameron was 9 days early, bradley was 8 weeks early and bailey was 5+3 weeks early... :?
i went overdue and was induced with both of mine :?
i was on time according to my mum, i aws a second baby.

my bro was first and 2weeks late but she was tabs dunno what for tho.
werent iron cause she couldnt take em.

i know u mean babys from mummys on here tho :p
2 weeks early with 1st and right on due date with 2nd but they were almost identical weights
Both my boys were 10 days overdue. With Macaulay I went into labour on my own but had to have a C-Section. With Jordan I was induced and gave birth normally.
paris was a week early and I've a feeling that this LO will be early too
Freddie was 2 weeks early and spent months in hospital with jaundice.
Kylie was 3 days overdue but I gave birth normally.
Dylan was 5 days early but only spent a day or two with me in hospital.
Boys tend to be early in my family.

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