schedule driving me nuts..


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Alanna has changed her sleep schedule, shes now waking up at 6am (thoguh often drifts back off again till 7:30) and goes to bed about 6pm, I try and get one good nap in the afternoon but that fails lol this is what im on at the moment.. and its driving me a bit mad, any ideas?

8am - Bottle
9:30-10am - Breakfast
Sometimes naps till 11
12:30-1pm lunch
Naps (varies in time)
4pm - Bottle? (Too early for dinner but wants a bottle after her nap)
5:30pm - Dinner
6pm - Bed

I dont like having her goto bed without a bedtime bottle.. but that seems to be the most common shceduling right now.. though sometimes in the afternoon she will have a bottle at 3, dinner at 5, bottle at 6, but it depends how she naps >.< If she naps late it the morning it throws it all off because she wants fed every 3 hours. :wall2:
Really wish I could help but Oz is changing is nap times all the time at the moment. And he keeps waking at 5am the last 3-4 mornings too. This morning he actually laid in til 6.45! Whoop lol

I try not to let him nap afte 3pm though and he's usually asleep by 7pm then. But he still wakes for feeding in the night too!!!

Sorry can't offer any advice!
Alex does change his a little but the sleep tends to stay the same so no real suggestions, he does

7am wakes and bottle
7.30-8.15 am has tv or a book
Nap til about 9.30/10am
Porridge or milk
10.30am plays til lunch
12pm lunch
1pm plays
1.45pm naps
3pm wakes and plays
4.30pm tea
6.45 bath and wind down with a book
7.15pm book

it does vary by about an hour or so from time to time but generally he has a bottle later. My bro wakes his 9 mth up for his milk at 9pm then he sleeps thro til 7am next morning but I have rarey woke Alex for milk unless he hasn;t had much all day

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