

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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Not been on here for a while as had a bit of a scare at the weekend.

On Saturday afternoon i went to the toilet and there was a spot, about the size of a 10 pence, of really dark brown blood. Obviously i panicked after the miscarriage i had last year and me and oh went straight to the walk-in centre.

The doc there wasn't that concerned and said a little old blood was allowed. He told me to go to a and e if it got worse and to see my own gp on the monday.

Well.....Saturday night i was preparing myself for the worse....pain, heavy bleeding but....nothing. All i've had since Saturday is a small amount of very faint brown discharge everyday ( :oops: tmi). I have none over night or in the morning and only a small amount on a panty liner during the whole day and when i wipe myself (sorry tmi). Sometimes there's not even anything!!!!

That's all i have had since Saturday. On Monday my GP wasn't too concerned either he said it could just be a threatened abortion and has booked me in for an early scan on Tuesday to check things out.

I'm so nervous, constantly going to the toilet to check everythings ok and really worried about Tuesday. Not sleeping too well either.

Has anyone else experienced this??

A very worried

Hi Gem,

I haven't experienced this myself but have seen a few girls on here who have, I just wanted to give you a hug :hug: and let you know that as your GP brown blood is usually ok as it is old blood, go straight to A&E if you get any red blood as that is fresh blood.
It is natural for you to be concerned, and having had a mc myself last year I can sympathise with the visits to the loo to constantly check if there is blood there - the extra cm that comes with pg doesn't help matters hey?!
Try not to worry yourslef too much babes (easier said than done I know) as its not good for you or bubba.
Keep us posted,

Em x
Hi Gem, Im 9 weeks and 3 days and from when i was 6 to 8 weeks i had bleeding. I had spotting of pink watery blood for a few days then one day i had a gush of the same blood them nothing then i had a week of old brown blood. I had a scan at 8 weeks 3 days and saw my baby and babys heartbeat and have since had no bleeding at all so i think it was just my body clearing itself out!! I searched all over this forum for similar posts and drove myself crazy but all is well and settled now. I hope you have some reasurrance at your scan cos i know how scary it is not knowing what is causing the bleeding but just be assured that bleeding isn't always a threatened misscarriage as some doctors like to tell you!! Try not too worry too much :hug:
oh hun hope your ok now :hug:

It is only natural to worry believe me i know, i experienced this with my first pregnancy 2 months ago i was reassured everything was ok and it was but then i did miscarry and im so happy to be pregnant again so soon after.
Like they say brown blood is old blood and you should only be concerned if its red blood or you have pain.
If you are concerened or worried in anyway speak to your doctor or midwife they are there to help and look after you.

Look after yourself hun and please dont worry :hug: :hug:
Yes, i have now bled in 2 pregnancys, my DS at 15 wks and this one at 12wks and some was red blood but scanned ok.

hiya, I had exactly the same as what you're describing at about 7 weeks, same type of blood and everything, and because Id suffered a miscarriage just a few months before I convinced myself it was the same thing about to happen.

I was in a right state and had to wait a few days for a scan. However when we had the scan we saw the heartbeat and the sonographer said things looked fine.

He showed me a small area of blood outside the pregnancy sac which was causing the bleeding but he said it was harmless and wouldnt hurt the baby or cause any problems.

I asked what caused it and I was told it was maybe old implantation blood that hadnt made its way out, or it could be down to something else. He said he'd seen women with blood all the way round and mine was just a small bit so I was told not to worry but to expect some more.

I did get some more a few weeks ago, same type as last time and although I worried a bit I knew it was probably the same thing. We went for my dating scan this week and saw the baby clear as day and we were told everything looked fine.

Please try not to worry, loads of women on here have had bleeding and turned out to be fine and Im sure it'll be the same for you. Sorry for the long post :oops:

How scary im glad everything is okay and im sure the scan will be fine, try and rest and tuesday you will get ot see your bean :)
Well everything is going ok. The discharge has got less and less frequent over the week, and yesterday and today there has been absolutely nothing at all!!! Still had no pain or red blood.

Do you think this is a good sign??

I'm still really worried and keep thinking about the scan on tuesday. I'm so sure that they are going to tell me somethings wrong. I just want tuesday to come so that i can relax and start enjoying my pregnancy.

hi hun im so glad things are going ok for you :D

Yes it is a good sign hun, good luck with tues im sure everything will be fine it is only natural to worry. You will be walking out the doors on tues with a great big grin on your face knowing everything is fine im sure it will be. Getting worried isnt going to help you or the baby (easier said than done hey)

sending you big :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Let us know how it all goes x x

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