

Jan 22, 2009
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My names francesca and I am 18 years old. I suffered a misscarriage last year when I went for my 12 week scan and discovered my baby had stopped growing at 9 weeks. I have recently become pregnant again and me and my boyfriend are so happy, but I can't stop worrying and thinking that its going to happen again.
I keep looking at websites about misscarriages and the symptoms, I have had slight stomach cramps, not very strong but cramps none the less.
Most sites say this can be a symptom of it. I'm terrified, I cannot go through that again. Has anyone else experienced this and had a healthy pregnancy?
Can anyone put my mind at rest, please help.
Thank you.
Francesca. Xxx
Hi Francesca,

Although I have not experienced a miscarriage as such I did have an ruptured eptopic pregnancy leaving me with one ovary. When I got pregnant again I was so scared that the same thing would happen again especially with the tummy pains I was scanned quite early on to make sure that things were ok. I am sure that this time around your midwife will keep an extra close eye on you to see how things are progressing along. I would advise you to see someone considering your past medical history and how scared you are this time around lets face it who wouldn't be.

My thoughts are with you sweetie and I wish you all the best with this pregnancy and everything works out for you :hug:
hiya sweetheart, i am newly pregnant for the third time. my first resulted in my healthy full-term daughter and my second ended in first trimester miscarriage.

i am having cramps this time- like period pains. i am not worried by them because i had them really bad when pregnant with my daughter but no pain whatsoever with the miscarriage. dont google honey u will end up being scared witless :hug:

its only natural to be frightened of it happening again, i must admit i am. anyone who's lost a baby is inevitably nervous when theyre pregnant again. talk to ur gp they should refer u to the epu which might put ur mind at rest, if that helps.

try not to worry (and i kno its easier said than done, coz i keep saying it to myself but am struggling to do it!) i wish u a very happy & healthy 9 months :hug:
helllo, i have had 4 m/c i also have 2 healthy children. On my 2 healthy ones i had some mild cramping early on and have also had some on this one. Lots of the girls on here will tell you its nothing to worry about as it's just everything getting ready. Only time i would worry is if they get really painful and also if you start to bleed (although some women get this and still get a baby at the end)
I would just say try not to worry to much (i know it's hard i have been there) and take every day as it comes.When you see your middy just explain to her how you are feeling.

And remember new egg new sperm :hug: :hug:
Hope you have a healthy 9months hun
Slight cramping seems to be normal on the whole. I've had it with all 3 of my pregnancies (praying this one sticks :pray:) and if you think about all the stretching your uterus has to do, coupled with all your ligaments and muscles relaxing, it's only natural to get some cramping.

If it is crippling I'd advise seeing a doctor but otherwise just try to enjoy your pregnancy! Easier said than done i know and I'm very nervous myself but I'm trying to make the most of it and stay positive.

Big hug

Thank you so much guys, i've decided to try and not let it worry me as much because hopefully it's nothing to worry about.
Thank you so much for all your replys, its not crippling pain, its just very dull period pain with no bleeding. So hopefully everything should be ok, when i arrange my ante natal care i will be talking to the midwife about having an earlier scan just to put my mind at rest.
Thank you again!!!

Francesca xx

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