Scared to Orgasm...


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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I know this sounds really stupid....

But I remember from last pregnancy that ended in mc......Each time I had the big O, I had cramps after and then i mc and i know it's not cos of the orgasm...but i;m scared to this time!!!

I keep having really randy dreams and one the other night was so realistic that i actually had a small 'o' in my sleep....i was woken by cramping and of course it panicked me!!!!

Please help reassure me that sex and orgasms dont harm baby?

In all likelihood you are prob ok but maybe get some advice from your MW or Doctor. I was petrified of DTD in Tri1 after having a small bleed afterwards (iritated my cervix). I too had the randy dreams as well after abstaining for a bit.

On the sex front most pregnancy books say that you are probably safe however there are some people who are advised not to until after week 12. With your previous MC it wouldn't do any harm to have a word with a healthcare professional to put your mind at rest.

Also you don't necessarily have to have full sex if you are nervous about it. There's plenty of other stuff you can do. I would be surprised if the big O would cause any harm.

Things are a lot more comfortable in Tri2 so DH and I have resumed a normal service, maybe a gentler than when we were TTC though.
I was advised not to have sex in the first 12 weeks because of previous m/c, just didnt want to take the risk. I did experience cramps and O in my sleep and in early days I had weird feeling I was about to have an O pretty much all the time, I think its uterus stretching etc.

I know they say sex doesnt harm but I chose to be safe rather than sorry (because I had spotting as well)

And the doctor said its ok to have an O, just not penetrative sex.

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I have been having sex and the big O as normal - I heard that it is actually the sperm that makes the uterus contract and that is what you feel after sex - I have felt a wee bit sick a few times afterwards and have had cramps but I think it is all fine - you should do what you feel comfortable with hun though
I'm still in tri 1 so not far gone and we are not having sex until after 12 weeks. But I had an amazing dream about Peter Andre, don't think I can look at him in the same way!!
I've never heard of cramps as such but ur womb does contract. If its sore cramps i'd say speak to mw - if your stomach gets tight its just a contraction and is normal.

They say its fine to do the deed unless told otherwise by mw/doc. there is certain conditions you can get in pregnancy they tell you its best not to.
Both my books say that the baby feels a sense of eurphoria after an orgasm, so its a happy baby afterwards. They recommend sex later in pg as the fluid the sperm us in softens the cervix.
Have a word with ur midwife to get the go ahead xxx
she said last time it was fine so long as there was no bleeding...have had no bleeding at all and scan showed baby is fine and in correct place and growing ok etc...i guess i am just a tad paranoid....

thats to be expected tho hun, after what you have gone through. xxxx
Totally understandable that you feel this way hun. I think a lot of ladies are scared to have sex.

I still haven't! I've had O's though lol tmi.

Totally understandable that you feel this way hun. I think a lot of ladies are scared to have sex.

I still haven't! I've had O's though lol tmi.


Me too - on both counts!!!

TBH I've been felling so poorly that sex is the last thing on my mind!!! Also with having several bleeds now we were adviced not to do anything 'to provoke it'.....................!!!!
I haven't had sex at all since I got my bfp I know it is silly but I just feel to scared OH is so good about it
I totally understand, I was scared to have sex too.
We tried it and I didn't like it one bit, it felt weird afterwards, a little painful.
I vowed no more sex after that but that didn't stick for long and we've had lots of sex since we found out I'm expecting. I can't get enough of the stuff!

Sex doesn't harm the baby whatsoever. However, some women are advised not to have sex if they have an 'abnormal pregnancy'. e.g. if there are complications with the pregnancy and they carry a chance of miscarriage. I don't think you fall into that category at all, you've just been unfortunate. Call your midwife if you're concerned though :) xxx

Totally agree, its absolutely fine to have sex, even if theres been previous mc's. Can understand ppl being a bit funny about it for the first couple of weeks though, but those feelings go away.


Totally agree, its absolutely fine to have sex, even if theres been previous mc's.

Not always........midwife/doctors advice should be listen to really if there has been a probem.
I'm starting to get a bit worried now, as apparently an O can make you start getting contractions (?). If you are overdue, they recommend you to have sex as it might help the labour to begin. So I'm just wondering if it might mean going into labour too early if you have an O in Tri-3?...
i think its more to do with the sperm softening your cervix later on....thats why they recommend it....i think anyway


Totally agree, its absolutely fine to have sex, even if theres been previous mc's.

Not always........midwife/doctors advice should be listen to really if there has been a probem.

Yeah, if theres a problem with that pregnancy!! Which is what I said in my previous post. Just because there was a problem in previous pregnancy doesn't mean there will be in current one.

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