Scared to death!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hi ladies

I suffered my 4th mc on 17th June and found out shortly after that I got my appointment for the Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic. My appointment is now less than a week away and I am so scared that I will be told I can never have children. I am kind of excited too that I should get some explanation as to why I can get pregnant so easily but not keep it.

I don't know what to do, I am on the verge of cancelling but at the same time I know I shouldn't as I need this appointment to give me some peace of mind!!

What do I do??

Lee-Ann xx
You must go to your appointment Leeann.

Even if it was the "worst" news then at least they can begin to look at ways to treat you when you next fall pregnant.

I was advised at my appointment that 70% of recurrent miscarriages remain unexplained (well at least the NHS tests they do as standard do not explain things for 70% of couples they see)

I didn't know whether I wanted a reason or not? If that makes sense.

We did fall into the 70% of couples that remain unexplained and have since gone on to get our sticky bean.

I am glad I went for the testing, it wasn't a nice experience but I needed to know

Best of luck

Thank you Carnat.

I am nervous but excited at the same time but I am going and will wait to hear what they have to tell me.

Lee-Ann x
Hi Lee-Ann,

I had my 4th miscarriage this month and this time it was a missed miscarriage, so my body still thought I was pregnant despite the embryo having no heartbeat some weeks ago. I had a D&C on Wednesday.

I actually attended the recurrent miscarriage clinic soon after my 3rd miscarriage back in February and had the blood tests. I was told that everything was OK with the exception of a slightly positive antinuclear antibody test. This just means that when I next get pregnant I need to take low dose asprin everyday. I did this for my 4th pregnancy but unfortunately I still miscarried.

During their investigations they did diagnose me with a septate uterus, but they could not confirm whether or not this has caused the recurrent miscarriages.

From all this, my opinion is that some of the miscarriages could have been down to the septate, some the lack of the low dose asprin, and maybe some or all down to bad-luck. It is hard to say. What I am going to do though is to pursue the option of having the septum removed.

Sorry to have rambled on about myself, but my point is that you might be dreading going to the recurrent miscarriage clinic for what you might find out, but equally if you don't go and then you get pregnant again, you won't know if there was something simple you could have done, like taking low dose asprin, that could help you keep the pregnancy. If there is something bigger to deal with then you can face it head on and sort it out without potentially having to go through yet another miscarriage.

For what it's worth, I was in the frame of mind to just keep on going and not look into having any surgery to remove the septum, up until this most recent miscarriage. I just feel like it's more than just bad luck now and I just want to feel like I have pursued all avenues until there is nothing more I can do.

One positive is that you know you can get pregnant, so it's now just down to what can be done to help it stick!

All the very best of luck!

Best wishes,
Effie xx
All the best for your appointment hun.

I agree with Carnat, you will regret not going, and if you got you will hopefully get the help you need and support to go on and have your sticky bean :hugs:


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