Scared!!!! Help me!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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Ive got my scan tomorrow for 10 weeks. This is my final scan before I become discharged from epu and moved to normal care. I am so so so scared. This is where I found out last time all had gone wrong, and I just keep thinking what if. My symptoms have all calmed down and I didn't have ms so was one of the Lucky ones but feel like if I had it then I would have been more reassured. Plus I'm overweight (by alot) and that worries me too xxxxx

ahh hun i think its normal to feel the way you do after a mc! mc's do funny things to your head especially when you get pregnant again! i was worried something would happen again this time and i was reassured when i had my scan after the week that things went wrong, i was reassured for a short while and now my symptoms are easing i'm starting to panic again thinking things have gone wrong and i am petrified about having my dating scan in case anythings wrong! All you can do is hold in there, every pregnancy is different and i know a lady that was overweight by a lot, and i mean a lot and she had healthy twins hugs xx
Hunni I know exactly how you feel. I too have scan tomorrow. I had MMC in January. I think it's only natural to be scared but try and relax and I hope everything goes ok tomorrow.
What time is urs tomorrow. Mine is at 930. I'm so frightened its unbelieveable xxx

I'm in at 11 tomorro. Head is completely fried today. Good luck hunni xx

Mine to I'm so scared plus I haven't had hardly any symptoms xxx

I've heard of so many people not having symptoms and being perfectly fine. In fact I heard recently of someone not even finding out they were pregnant until 23 weeks gone - massive lack of symptoms!! I'm sure you'll be fine. xxx
Good luck for your scans tomorrow girls, I'll be thinking of you. I know a few people who didn't have any symptoms and they were fine, just very lucky :) xxx
Omg only hour and 20 mins till I hopefully see baby and see all the panicking was for nothing hopefully. Xxx

Good luck for today ladies im sure everything is fine xx
Good luck with ur scans this morning belle and butterfly, I'm sure it will be great news :) xx
good luck with your scans girlies :) looking forward to the update xx
Baby was perfect. Cxx



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