Scared at night


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Well since we have moved house night times with Aaron have been a nightmare! He thinks he has monsters in his room and scareys as he says. Where the hell is he getting it from? I never let him watch adult shows on tv or anything like that and I never talk to him about monsters or scareys so where would he pick it up?

Every night he runs into our room screaming about monsters. I've tried taking him back, turning the light on and showing him nothing is there but he's having none of it. I also told him that as long as he has bubba (his fave teddy) that nothing can scare him because bubba makes them go away but he's not having that either.

He goes to bed fine but it's just at some point in the middle of the night he will wake up screaming and come in with us because he's so upset. He's only 2 and a half. Is this normal? How do I combat it and make him feel happy in his room? It's deverstating seeing your child so upset when there isn't anything there!
My daughter has been doing the same thing recently. She wakes up every night saying she is scared.
We live in a first floor flat, you can hear quite a lot of noise through the night. Also, the gent who lives below us has the loudest snore in the world and he coughs a lot. I try to reasure her that its our neighbours being noisy but she wont have it!! She does go back through to bed eventually but will often get up again to ask for water or just to say hi!
I really dont know what to do!! My mum said she will grow out of it but how long will that take!
Sorry I wasnt much help!! Just thought I'd let you know your not alone!!
Have you tired throwing them out the window? I used to do it with a little boy I used to look after, he was convinced there was a monster in the room so I would run in, catch it, beat it up and throw it out the window, it seemed to work, he didnt wake up again :cheer:
We had a similar problem with Lucy (she could hear dogs barking and thought they were in the house) and I tried lots of different things - showing her under the bed etc talking to her and nothing worked. Then one day I showed her that we lock the front door at night time so no-one can come in without a key.

Worked wonders for us.

Hope it helps!
Hes terribly insecure due to the house move...

Tia had the same problem... Try leaving a light on either in the hall way or a soft low light in the room... Maybe some music...

We also agreed with Tia that there were monsters in the house and they were there to protect her, but as they were causing her so much problems we would ask them to come and sleep under our bed and our wardrobe... Every night we would herd them out of the room and into ours... and she accepted that... :)
aww bless, i'd guess it's a phase lol my son did that too i got a dream catcher and told him that when monsters ect come in his room the dream catcher catches them and for some reason that worked lol mabe worth a try?
Thanks for the ideas girls :D We've been leaving the hallway light on at night and he seems to be a lot less scared at night. He still wakes up and tries to get in with us but at least he is not screaming with fear. It was heartbreaking to hear my little boy so scared but that seems to have thankfully stopped. It's just the matter of getting him back into his own bed now which is draining :sleep:

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