Scared about trying again x


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2012
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Sorry if its tmi but I've just had my second monthly after my mc going to have my iron level check after it was only 7.5 and should be 11 my partner has said we can try again so that's good it's just the waiting but I am feeling a bit scared to try again xx
It can be scarey trying again after MC *hug* but take each step as it comes x
Trying again after having a MC is probably one of the scariest things ever, you are not alone in feeling that way. It will get easier though and you will get your sticky one day xx
I lost my first 2 years ago this month. Then accidentally fell pregnant in august and lost the baby end of september. I'm a shaking mess thinking about actually getting a positive when we start TTC in April. It's naturally to be scared after something like this but with time and a supportive partner you can be strong XXXX
Don't worry, just don't think too far, get your bfp and then step at a time. I built lots of little weekly milestones in for my bfp after my 12 week mmc, and the dreaded 12/14 weeks went really quite quickly, use shopping trips with mates, lunch out, spread out appointments , like delay the initial docs one till later, midwife booking in etc .

Also just because you have had one or even two, there is no reason to think that it will happen again

I had bunged up problems taking the iron tablets, but found taking them on every other days better than the every day , (three times a day) that they said. Also most cereals are fortified with iron, these really made a difference with me after my iron was low from the mmc (had blood transufsions)

wishing you lots of luck when you start ttc again
Hi Vicci

I am scared about TTC I had a MC 2 weeks ago and my heart is telling me to start trying after my first cycle but my head is too scared.

Hopefully we will both have sticky beans this time


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