Scared About Midwife!!


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Feb 29, 2012
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I'm on me way to my first midwife appointment and I'm quite scared for some reason. Not sure what's going to happen and OH can't get out of work so I've got to go on my own. Hopefully it'll be fine, just don't know what to expect.
Nothing scary hun, she will weigh you and take blood pressure. Probably ask for some family details aswell! Other than that because it's your first there really is not much for her to do except give you your pregnancy folder! :D
Ok thankyou :) I'm worried she might 'shout' at me. I'm a smoker, before I found out I smoke 20+ a day but since I've found out I've cut down to about 6-7 which I know is still bad, but I'm trying.
Is the pregnancy folder the green book which people keep mentioning?
You will be fine, i went on my own too. She asked me lots of questions about mine and my families medical history, took blood, weighed and took my height. Gave me all my books and leaflets etc xxx
You'll be fine. I have mine next Monday eek.
Let us know how you get on xx
Just got back, she didn't ask me for mine or my families medical history, she didn't weigh me or take my blood or height. She worked out my EDD of my last period, gave me my green book. Tested my wee and made me my next appointment. That's it xxx
Strange appointment! When is your next one? Did she make your 12 week scan appointment? xxx
Just got back, she didn't ask me for mine or my families medical history, she didn't weigh me or take my blood or height. She worked out my EDD of my last period, gave me my green book. Tested my wee and made me my next appointment. That's it xxx

I am guessing you're quite early on.

I'm sure MW will do all the BP / weight etc next appointment.

My midwife didn't take my blood pressure (or should i say she forgot to)... and it turned out i have high blood pressure. Good job i went to see the normal nurse to get it checked afterwards.
Was that it? How far along are you?
I have mine on 12th March and have a letter explaining that my appointment will last one hour and will involve bloods and urine x
That sounds like I'm going to go in and just bleed and pee all over her room - I obviously meant blood and urine tests lol x
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you should also get your bounty packs if your area does them xxx
My first midwife appointment was just to fill a little of the green book out, and tell her which hospital I wanted my ante natal care at, my second appointment which is this Wednesday is the long one where she will take bloods, weight, history etc etc...maybe different areas do things differently. Cannot wait for my 12 week scan, hoping she will rush it through - wishful thinking I know!
i had mw appt last friday and she went through my pregnancy folder checking everything i had filled in (she is going to transfer them to my maternity hospital notes then give me them back) she took blood pressue which was the lowest it has ever been, took height/weight and just a general chat. Gave me my first bounty pack and says she will see me again at 16 weeks unless i need to see her before then as she is leaving it up to me and the consultant at the hospital what happens next

She also said she would leave my bloods until I have my 12 week scan (awkward to get blood from so she thought get everything all at once - this could be interesting and they may have a fight on their hands) hope your next appt goes better xx

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