Scare yesterday....


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2006
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my clothes are feeling looser.I am still able to wear the toursers I was wearing prior to pregnancy despite my bump and haven't really gained any weight..I weighed myself on sunday then again yesterday and according to the scales I had lost 5LBS...I spoke to the midwife who said i need to eat more and weigh myself in a coupl of days and and if it has dropped more then see doc..I obviously didn't weight a few days.I weighed myself this am and it has gone back to normal so am feeling more relaxed again.

I really don't know how to eat more ...

my Day got up puked had eaten nothing

11am bowl of grapes

had sandwich and packet of skips lunch about 1pm

had chocolate mousse 4pm puked 4.15 bringing up both lunch and mousse (sorry if TMI)

so its nearly 6pm and all i've kept down is a bowl of grapes?

Any ideas?
i usually eat anything i can find if healthy of crouse... but try to have a

big breakfast

snack on fruits then maybe have a sandwich

have some sunflowers seeds and more fruit

and for dinner go mad

if your hungry after that which are normally just eat bowel of veg some nice bread and maybe crackers and cheese mmmhh

hope i helped

Hey cloud,

I hope you feeling a bit less worried today, in the first tri I lost over a stone - mw said nothing to worry about as long as I was eating healthily. I too still fit into my pre pregnancy clothes dsespite my bump!

I think it is inevitable that your weight will fluctuate as you are still being sick, so anything you take in inevitably comes back up - I really feel for you babes :hug: :hug:

Try not to worry too much, as you don;t wanna stress yourself out.........I hope you are able to keep some food down soon hunny :hug:
I still fit in to my clothes and have lost weight throughout my pregnancy despite eating crap lol but the midwife said its fine as baby has healthy heartbeat and all is well on scans!

Try not to worry, just keep them vitamins up
I've been eating loads all the way so far and I still weigh 3 lbs less than when I started out!

I'm sure you'll catch up when the pukiness settles down!
I`m having similar problems so idrink milk cos my mum reckions that it has loads of good stuff in it like calcium and protein and i find it soothes the nausea too.

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