scans: dangerous?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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hi everyone!

I have had an early scan at 7 weeks, and we saw the heartbeat of our little sweety, but since then, I have been trhough quite a few worries, about m/c and my symptoms have kind of faded away. I am 10 weeks now, so I reckon it's a bit too early for this to happen. I am spending my holidays in pakistan, in my family-in-law, and here you can just book a scan whenever you want, and it's cheap (around 5 pounds!) So I have booked one for tomorrow, as I thought it will give me an idea of what's happening...I just hope it's only me worrying for no reasons!
Anyway, I just wondered if scans were dangerous for babies, as I would not like to take an extra risk, of course!
I have tried to find answers on the net, but I have read so many different opinions, that I am now confused!
help me, please! Can anyone tell me?

I'm no expert but I got a leaflet from the hospital about scans and it says there's no evidence to suggest they are harmful.

Lucky you being able to just get one like that, I hope it goes well for you. xx
Hiya Mel

There has been some suggestion in the past that scans may be dangerous, but it is so far unfounded.
As scans merely transmit sound waves into pictures, I personally struggle to comprehend how they could be dangerous.

Due to a complicated medical history, I have had scans as 5, 6, 8,9, 10,12, 20 and 24 weeks and baby is just fine!

At such a cheap price, I would go for it! - Enjoy!
Thanks kim and rachael for your replies.
Rachael, your post has settled my mind, and I am going to go for it, because I am sooooooooooo worried. Last night, I have had nightmares after nightmares, and I need to put my mind at rest!
Still 12 hours to wait, and hopefully, I will know!

I just need to see the little one and his/her heartbeat!!!!
I will keep you informed, I will post again tonight.

Take care,

mel xx
silly me, not 12 hours to go, only 7 hours!!!! but it feels like 12 hours anyway!

They have stated that there is no evidence at the moment that scans are harmful, but in about 10 years time they will have more of an idea!!!

Natalie x
they used to think that they could be harmful to the baby (hence my local hospital refusing to give me anymore even when I was bleeding! :shock: ) but they found in 2004 that there is no conclusive evidence to prove that repeated scans cause any dmaage. I had 5 scans in 4 weeks and my baby seems fine! Growing normally and healthily. Defintely get it done mte if you want to.

Here is the article I was talking about....
My doctor said the reason there was suggestion repeated ultrasounds cause limb deformities, but that they cannot prove it as how do you? It would be unethical.

I don't think 1 scan at 7 weeks and another at 10 weeks will make much of a difference though :) I had one at 6 weeks and another at 12 weeks.
I don't think they can prove it in a way like they scan 50 woman 20 times, 50 women 10 times, 50 women 2 times, etc, it would be morally wrong and no woman would jepordise their baby unecessily. - they just collate evidence of those who have had repeated scans and see how their babies turned out I guess.
hi everyone!!!!!!!!

Thanks to all of you who cared, you really made a difference, and made me feel I was doing the right thing!
I have had the scan tonight, and wow, our little bean is completely fine!!!!
(s)he was kicking here and there and moving arms as well! we saw the heartbeat and we even heard it!
To see our baby moving was such an experience!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not manage to stop the tears!
and another surprise: instead of 10 weeks and 3 days, our little love is 10 weeks and 6 days!! youpee!
so I am getting a little bit closer to the 12 weeks and it means that I need to change my ticker :)

I cannot put the scan pics from where I am, and anyway, we can't see as much as on the screen, with the little legs and arms moving, but I will try when i come back home at the end of August!...have another scan on the 31st of August! :P

take care everyone, I am just going to enjoy the " no symptom" period, for as long as it can last! 8)

mel xx
Glad everything is ok for you, dont worry about the scans causing any harm, i've been having them every 2 weeks and my bubs is fine at the mo :)

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