

Apr 22, 2007
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Gutted just phoned to book my scan with the local hospital and they have said first avail appointment is the 4th June!! I'm already 10 weeks..
Bit upset as I had to wait until 9 wks to have midwife appointment then wait for paper work to be processed before I could ring to book :shakehead: Any suggestions - think I might have to go private..
That's awful, so you wont have a scan for over a month? Did theyt know you are 9 weeks? What does your midwife say? Won't you be around 15 weeks then? xxx
AliB said:
Gutted just phoned to book my scan with the local hospital and they have said first avail appointment is the 4th June!! I'm already 10 weeks..
Bit upset as I had to wait until 9 wks to have midwife appointment then wait for paper work to be processed before I could ring to book :shakehead: Any suggestions - think I might have to go private..

Do you have any other NHS hospitals within your county who could do the scan earlier? Otherwise sounds like you may have to go private - Are you planning on having a nuchal scan done? We are going to have this done, and have been told that it should be done between 11 - 13 weeks. We are having this done privately as the NHS doesn't cover the cost of it in most places. Charge is £110 plus £50 for the blood test. This will also count as our routine 12 week scan -
Might be another option for you?
Hi frangelle, I have left a message with my midwife to see if there's anything she can suggest. The hospital have said that they are having a really busy time with having the bank hols recently and that this will be the same for another hosptial I asked about (I did say that I was 10 weeks & they didn't seem at all concerned). Not very happy it's the one thing you look forward to as it helps to put mind at rest to actually see your baby moving etc..this is my first one so finding it all a bit hard :?
X5OT said:
AliB said:
Gutted just phoned to book my scan with the local hospital and they have said first avail appointment is the 4th June!! I'm already 10 weeks..
Bit upset as I had to wait until 9 wks to have midwife appointment then wait for paper work to be processed before I could ring to book :shakehead: Any suggestions - think I might have to go private..

Do you have any other NHS hospitals within your county who could do the scan earlier? Otherwise sounds like you may have to go private - Are you planning on having a nuchal scan done? We are going to have this done, and have been told that it should be done between 11 - 13 weeks. We are having this done privately as the NHS doesn't cover the cost of it in most places. Charge is £110 plus £50 for the blood test. This will also count as our routine 12 week scan -
Might be another option for you?

Thank you for your suggestions and costs involved - might have to go along that route. Just waiting to hear back from Midwife, left her a message this morning..fingers cross she'll be able to suggest some things too..was looking forward to 12-13 week scan just so I could see if the baby is ok..X
My scan appointment came automatically through the post, will yours not do the same?? Might be worth checking with your midwife, as you may make them even busier if you book in twice!! (of course your mW may have asked you to book it yourself, in which case feel free to tell me to shut up!! lol!!)
Yeah mine came automatically too. Perhaps they might send you one? I hope so, otherwise thats very poor. Let us know what happens xxx
Had my scan with second at 14 wks as they were so busy - only bonus............they can sex the baby :) for you.... You still get your 20wk one at the same time tho....

I'm hoping to have mine at 13/14 wks this time as i'm too impatient to wait till 20wks to find out sex :)
omg is there not anotehr hosp nearby u could use?

This happened to me for my sexing scan how aweful :( i dont know what to suggest sorry hun :hug:

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