Scan yesterday....

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Hi Everyone,

I know I should not be in Second Tri any more but you guys have been there when I needed you this far so just wanted to update you...
I had a scan at the hospital yesterday that has upset me quite a bit...

The sonographer told me that there is not enough Amniotic Fluid around the baby and when she did all the measurements it now seems that her growth has slowed down alot since the last scan 3 weeks ago. I saw my consultant afterwards and he is concerned and wants to scan me again next week but said there is nothing that I may have done or can do to change things.. just have to hope that she has a little growth spurt soon to catch up.

Then to make matters worse it turns out I have another UTI.. that makes my 4th infection so far and now my consultant wants to put me on antibiotics for the rest of my pregnancy to prevent the UTI's coming back and causing problems for the baby...

I am so down about it all today.. I was feeling so positive about it all and now I am really worried about my LO.

:( :( :(
hi hun i replied in 3rd tri but i just wanted to say i hope it all works out for u, i cant give ne help as i dont understand about the fluid
oh anna marie what a worry for you. Theres nothing i can say or do to make you feel any better but im thinking of you and you're little one - im sure things will be ok. xxx
Hi Anne marie, sorry to hear your bad news, I'll pray for you and your LO. Just have faith in the fact if it was a very serious problem they would have kept you in hospital. good luck for next weeks scan and please keep us updated xx
Hi Anna Marie,

Sorry to hear the news wasn't too good at your scan...just when you were beggining to relax and enjoy your pregnancy!....what will happen? Does it mean you'll have to deliver early?

Sending out my love and good thoughts for your scan next week...let's hope there's better news.

I know it's really hard but try not to worry about it (I know it's easier said than done) it won't do Bodette any good. Little buggers eh? They don't know how much trouble they cause before they get here do they?

Best of luck for your next scan! :)

Big Hugs. xxx
Hi Anna Marie,

It never rains but it pours for you my love. Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes your way, please try and look after yourself and bodette. Hope the next week flies by and you are back from the hospital with good news xx
Oh Anna Marie, I'm really sorry that you are having more worries. I'm keeping everything crossed that Bodette will have a growth spurt over the next few days.

You've got this far hun, try to keep positive - we are all praying for you both xxxxxx
Anna Marie

So sorry that you have this to deal with.
I hope all is ok, let us know how you get on next week.
I am sure all will be fine.

Take care
Thanks so much everyone for your kind words, thoughts and well wishes, it really does help me to know everyone is rooting for us :)

I am trying to stay positive as I really don't want to get too down when there is not much I can do about it anyway but of course it is always there in the back of my mind and if I don't feel her move for an hour or so I get a bit fretful and start poking her to make her respond!!

My scan is on Wednesday next week - I suppose depending on LO's measurements then my consultant will decide what to do but in the meantime I am trying to take it easy and drinking lots and lots of water. I think that if things don't improve but LO hangs in there it may mean an early C section for me which will be a bit of a shame but whatever it takes to get LO out safely I will be OK with.


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