20 week scan yesterday....

oooooo! so so pleased for you hope things continue to go well for you honey you deserve it xxxxx
:yay: i'm so pleased it all went well.

Who is your usual consultant chick? Do you see Mr Adair? He is awesome lol.
My sister is a midwife in the ante natal clinick so when you get admited you will have to say hi to her :)
I had all 3 of my babies in Mackem land xx

I dont think Ive met him? You talking about Sunderland Royal? My usual consultant is Dr Cameron. Whats your sister called? Might already know her from being in with Luke xxx
Hi Diddy, don't know why but I couldn't see those piccys earlier, they are lovely and clear, love the first one, you can see the whole face profile- ahhh well done
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im due for my 20 week scan next week, and i was just woundering if you had togo with a full bladder,??? it might sound daft but i aint got a clue what to expect? is it the same as my first scan or will it be different.??? help please.!!
Jade, They like you to go with a full bladder. However, I didnt and they could see everything perfectly on my scan. HTH xxx
thankx i thought that because im quite big anyway they wont need me togo with a full bladder, but im going to go with what i feel comfortable with and see what happens. hope for the best.!! thankx

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