Scan very nervous!! HAD MY SCAN!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
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Hi I've got my scan on wed afternoon and I'm soooo shitting myself! I didn't see my midwife till 11 weeks hence why I'll be 13 +3 when i go. I've got 3 young kids already so i should be fine but after having my son 10 mths ago i pro laps, i thought it was my uterus but the doc told me its my cervix, vagina wall and my uterus!!!:mad: I'm only 25. I'm seeing a gynaecologist next week and he'll give me some options. This baby wasn't planned but we don't want anything wrong to happen. I've lost 4 already one at 4 mths I'll be devastated. Also I've been told I'll defo need surgery and that worries me as alot of women have hysterectomy's:oooo:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Well had my scan yesterday baby seem ok but as you can see by the pic baby is in a strange position! upright instead laying across my belly:shock: the women who scanned me was sour faced so didn't ask her much I'll wait till i see my gynaecologist nx week. I was 13 week so just what i thought. I'm still scared cos I'm not sure what happens till nx week but at the mo it's ok.


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its so easy to say dont worry but iv m/c befor and am popping my pants! the gynae should be able to sort you out tho just take it as easy as you can with lots of kids may be difficult and the best of luck for your scan xx
Best of luck hun :hug:

Will they offer you a cerclage?
Best of luck hun :hug:

Will they offer you a cerclage?
Is that where they use a stitch to stop preterm labor? I'm not sure what there going to do but hopefully whatever it is works!!:eh: I'm pretty worried cos it's the rest of the pregnancy, the birth and postnatal that's gonna be really tricky, fingers crossed they can do something. Thanks for you replies. x
Hope your appointment goes ok next week, my sister has this problem, from after her last baby , and is waiting for her appointment still, but she is not pregnant, so thinking of you

Baby looks cute in the scan pics, so clear
Aw lovely photo! He/she looks comfy either way! Hope your apointment goes well next week Hun xx
brilliant photos, hope your appt goes well next week
lovely piccies:)

We'll all be thinking of you next week, hope it goes ok xXxXx
Well i got a call from the hospital today my appointment has been changed, i'm going to see the physio befor the gynaecologist to assess how bad my pro laps is, I've got an appointment on the 16th at the hospital then again after my 20 week scan, it'll all prob change as it is bad, i've been told i need surgery no matter what and that scares me as they will working on my bits!!! But at the mo all that matters is my baby makes it! thank for your replies guys.x

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