Scan tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
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Hi all,
Been away from the forum for weeks after fretting married and having a short honeymoon away but came home to my scan date which is tomorrow!
I feel really worried about it though and I was wondering if other people are feeling or have felt the same? I feel excited too but there's this part of me that is just convinced something won't be right and I keep having horrendous dreams about things going wrong lately.
Also my ticker tells me I'm in tri 2 but think I'll be staying here until I definitely know all is well!
I'm very sure not alone in your worries , Brilliant news your scans tomorrow so exciting , I'm sure it will go just swimmingly ,congratulations on your marriage I expect that kept your mind busy and why you feel you've landed with abit of a bump ( pardon the pun) . My fingers are crossed for you all the best for tomorrow ,please do report back after as I still haven't got a scan date yet .=(.
Congrats on the wedding hun!!!

I have already had two early scans but I have been incredibly anxious and nervous before both and I will feel the same before my 12 week scan.

I too had an awful dream prior to my scan last week :shock: All was perfect though!

Not long until you know all is OK!!

Look forward to seeing the piccies tomorrow

Katey I'm sure you'll get your date soon,mine arrived when I was 12+4 and I'd had my booking appointment at 10 weeks so you'll get a date soon :) I think I probably was distracted and suddenly all I have to think about is the pregnancy and it's all got a bit scary again.
Carnat, I too had a couple of early scans one at almost 7 weeks and one at 8 weeks and everything was good, its just that horrible nagging feeling... So glad your scans have gone well :) and it's really reassuring to know that you had the nasty dream and all was well. I need to put those to the back of my mind, it's just my head being cruel!
I will post pics as soon as I can tomorrow, can't wait to show anyone who will look lol. Me and my husband (so cool saying that!) are hoping to go and buy a first item of clothing for the baby if the scan goes well. On honeymoon we already sneakily bought a really adorable painting of a mouse for the baby's room :)
i think everyone feels the same im sure i ahve with all of mine and i am this time more so 4 more sleeps to my early scan and each day that passes i get more and more nervous and scared i actualy feel sick with the thought and not morning sickness, gd luck and congrats on ur wedding xx

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