Scan Tomorrow at 11.25........


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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........and i'm sooooo scared!

What if something is wrong. What if there is no baby. What if i've misscarried again!

MY god it does my head in. I need to take my mnd off it but i can't, :cry:

I am trying not to get my hopes up incase its bad news but there is no reason why it should be. I've been feeling quite rough so at leaset i've had a few symptoms. I've had no pain or bleeding (although i didn't when i lost a baby before).

I am hoping i will go, all will be find. I'll find out how far gone i actually am. Anywhere from 7 to 9 weeks. So i will know my dude date which could be anywhere from the 3rd to the 16th January! I think it'll be later rather than earlier.

And maybe i'll even get a picture!

Won't be able to post till monday morning though as we have no phone line or internet at hom still :x

I really should re-read my messages, my 'typo's' are awful! It's cos i'm rushing as i'm at work and don't want to get busted :rotfl:
good luck hun im sure everything will be fine :hug:
Good luck!
Im sure everything will be fine! :hug:
Good luck with seeing your little bean for the first time, of course it is nerve wracking, but imagine how happy and proud you will be when you have that little pic to show off to everyone!! cant wait to see pics
You know hun I felt exactly how you doon Tues night and weds morning, I was so scared there would be nothing there I too had a missed M/C.

My bean is there for sure and you will be just same I will be thinking of you tomorrow but I think they way your feeling is natural hun but tomorrow you will be able to relax knowing everythng is fine (((hugs))) :hug:
good luck 2moro hun il be thinking of you xxxxxxxxxx
I like your typos!! :lol: I like the idea of a "dude date". We should all start using it. My "dude date" is Dec 17th :rotfl: My typos are terrible sometimes too and once I posted a message to someone, forgot I had and posted again a page later :oops: :rotfl:

Hope you don't mind my teasing !! :D

I was EXACTLY the same before I had my scan yesterday -the first thing I siad when I walked in was "I'm petrified!!" I even asked if it had a heartbeat when it was clearly bouncing around! So its perfectly normal for us I think! Try (evn though it's hard) to look forward to how reassured you will feel when it's done.

Good luck for tomorrow :hug:
good luck for tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you and praying everything is fine :pray: :pray:
thinking of you this morning hun xxxxxxx
oo not long til your scan hun! you must be getting dead excited now! can't wait to hear how it went :D
Hope the scan went well!! :D
And yeh I agree, I like a dude date too!

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