Had my scan today. I went in last week but bubba was too small for them to do the nuchal measurement. Today the baby was lying asleep in a strange position so the nurse couldn't do the measurement at first. She told me to wait outside to see if baby would change position. In the meantime another couple went in for their scan. I was sat outside chatting to my mum and then the other couple came out and the woman was crying her eyes out and distraught and they were ushered into a side room. I felt so bad and sorry for her. They must have told them something was wrong. I went back in with a feeling of trepidation but the baby had moved so she could finally measure it. The baby was sort of doing a headstand so I got a really bad scan photo which you can hardly see anything. I got my blood test done and have to wait 3 weeks for the nuchal scan results. I just couldn't stop thinking about the other lady and how sad I felt for her. It really dampened the whole experience as my happy day was a sad day for someone else....