Scan Today!


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Hi there! I wanted to let you know I had my first scan today, and good news so far. :) We saw a tiny beating heart. I thought I'd be at 8 weeks tomorrow, turns out I'll only be 6 weeks tomorrow. That's OK though, it fits the timeline on when I actually concieved.

I was scared. I still am, I'm frustrated that I now have to wait 6 more weeks just to get to 12 weeks, when I thought I only had 4 more weeks. It seems like this pregnancy is going to take FOREVER! I pray so hard that everything is going to be OK. In all the other pregnancies lost, I never experienced seeing a heartbeat, so god forbid, if anything happens, it's going to hurt 10x more this time. Lets be positive though.

The sad part is, right before I went in today, a woman was crying as she came out. I could feel her pain, and I just wanted to hug her. I just wanted to tell her I knew how she felt, and she'd be OK. Of course I didn't, but I wish I could.

Sorry this is so long, I just felt like talking. :D
Say a prayer!
glad your scan went well- hope you have the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful! :hug:
Glad to hear your scan went well hun, its seems such a long way off but it'll pass quicker than you think I'm sure :hug: Hope you have a happy & healthy pg babe :hug:

Glad you had a good scan and everything is fine,

glad all went well,i had the same thing they put me back a week and half, its ok although you just wish you were further into the safe zone. itll fly by, take it easy and relax xxxx
Aww glad scan went well hun! I wish u a healthy happy 9 months xxx
Hiya glad everything went well at your scan.xx
Congrats on your scan! Enjoy your pregnancy and try not to worry.

The exact same thing happened to me at my scan today. The woman before me came out crying her eyes out. I felt so sad and so sorry for her and her partner.

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