Scan on Thursday!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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I have a growth scan thursday because I kept thinking waters were leaking so they said to be on the safe side they would do scan to see if there is enough water around her...., although its 3 weeks after I thought my waters were leaking so if there wasnt much water theve left it bit late?? lol
I also was measuring a tiny bit small at my mw appointments.
I know its stupid but Im so worried somethings wrong, I always do at every scan.
She kicks alot and pokes limbs out of me constanly.
I Dont know, and because a friend of mine has just had a baby that died after having a scan 2 weeks before hand and he was fine, it just scares me a bit.
Im also very excited to see my little girly again but just really nervous as well!
Anyone else get this at growth scans etc?
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good luck im sure everything wil be fine x
ive had growth scans all throughout my pregnancy she was measuring really small but has now catched up, if anything i feel very lucky that ive had so many scans puts me at ease everytime i go

im sure everything will be fine :) xx
My friend used to go in claiming she had stomach cramps even though she was fine, just to get a scan lol they never caught on or if they did they didn't mind. xXx
good luck hope all is well and u can relax once u have the scan x
i have to have scans 3 times a week and im just in a waiting game cause one day they wil say we have to induce you today it is nerve racking x
Hope it goes well. Just focus on the good thing of seeing her again :)
Good luck huni!I think its totally normal to be worried, i know i have done before my scans!But im sure that everything will be fine with your LO xxx
Thanks everyone :) Once i see shes fine ill be like 'why was i so worried' lol

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